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My sister came to visit for a little at our house. We live in the same state so it wasn't that difficult. She lives on the west of North Carolina and Elaina and I live on the east. We live by the beach, and it's amazing. The water, even though I can't hear it, makes me feel like I can hear it. I can feel the swoosh of the water by my feet. It's my favorite place to be. It makes me feel like I have another chance to make my life better.
Today Elaina and my sister were moving a huge glass plate, but dropped it. When they did, my arm twitched. My sister realized that it did and freaked out. I signed to her that the doctor realized the nerves in my ear drums started working and I had to get a surgery to fix the swelling. She got excited, but then I told her what may happen. Her face went from excited to depressed. I could tell she didn't want me to leave her, but I signed to her that it would be ok.
Life is very difficult, if you can't tell. No matter how difficult it may get, you will 99% get through it. You may loose a little, but it's either that, or it just gets more difficult.

-Mason Hernandez

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