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Elaina's doctor called her to the hospital today. She left at around noon and came back at around two in the afternoon. She signed to me that she had lost her dehydration issues, but she had something else to tell me. We sat down at the kitchen table. She pulled a gray box out her purse. It had a silver bow on it, really big for the box. She really wanted me to open it, and seemed super anxious. I opened the box very slowly, revealing a piece of paper. I opened the paper, anxious for what it would say. It was a doctors report from later today. I skimmed over it, looking at the notes from the doctor. It said,

"Elaina showed no more signs of dehydration. She asked me to write this for her husband so, guess what Mason, you're going to be a father :)"

I dropped the piece of paper, and looked at Elaina. She was crying, almost about to fall out of her seat. I signed to her "am I going to be a father". She signed "yes!" I'm not going to lie, I shed a tear or two. We hugged each other for what felt like an eternity.

I'm going to be a father!

-Mason Hernandez

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