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In school I was desperate for friends. I had moved into a town of some sort but it was niether big nor small about a year ago and they all laughed and thought that I was weird. Anyways I just didn't like it. I was about to enter into the tenth grade with no friends (AGAIN). Well I had one good ... Aquatance I guess. We would never really 'hang' as everyone else said but I would talk to her during our passing periods. You know when i'm not getting laughed at. But this year I wasn't going to be the girl I was last year (or atleast try not to). I wanted to make real friends. But who would I talk to I was girly yet boyish,normal but emo (kinda) plus very weird. I had a boring appearance so no one knew what I exactly was like when I moved here. A couple of girls started to talk to me until they said I started acting "weird." So then an average yet odd group came but then said I was gothic or emo. But of course no emos or goths confronted me with my appearance. So I basicly didn't really fit in throughout the whole year. That's how my first few weeks of tenth grade went to until a new student came.

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