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Mackenzie POV

"mackenzie , catch!" the 6 year old Johnny says as he throw the ball

"i got it!" i say running towadds the ball but i trip , johnny run towards me .

"Kenzie , are u okay?" Johnny ask me

i nodded and he help me up , i blushed bc he was holding my hand .


"Mack get up!" Maddie says as i fell from my bed

"ugh , what time is it Mads?" i ask her and she sigh as i flopped on my bed .

"it's actually 7am and you have 30 minutes to get ready for school" Maddie says and i quickly got up and ran into my bathroom , i took a 10 minutes shower and walk into my walk in closet and changed into a blue plain crop top with white jeans short .
i walk out and grabbed my phone and my bag and ran downstairs and walk into the kitchen , i saw Maddie eating her pancakes while my mom was doing the dishes .

"Kenz , i can drive you to school" Maddie says while chewing her pancakes .

"okay , but where's our driver?"
i asked her while sitting down across from her . i know wow , am i rich? am i living in a mansion? yes i am rich and i do live in a mansion .

"Tom's on leave today , he's sick so Maddie can drive you to school" my mom said while sitting down beside Maddie , i nodded and finished my pancakes .
i looked at the clock and it's now 7.25am , i quickly got up from my stool and slung my bag over my shoulder and grabbed my white converse .

"Maddie , hurry i'm gonna be late!" i shouted at Maddie and she quickly washed her hands and put her shoes on , she grabbed her car keys and walk into our massive garage .


"we're here!" Maddie squealed as i got out of the car and slung my bag over my shoulder , i saw my girls waiting for me as i walked towards the school entrance .

"hey mack, i heard there'll be 2 or maybe 3 new students" Lexi said as i walked up to them.

"really?" i asked her and she nodded .

"ooo we should bully them!" Ruby squealed, i laugh at her, we walked into the school building and felt everyone's eyes on us. the rest of us separate ecxept for me and Maisy since our lockers are next to each other, we walked to our locker and i took my books out for my first period which is english.
i saw familiar faces who looked like the Orlandos as i closed my locker but i brushed it off and saw Hayden and Annie talking and laughing at Hayden's locker, i wonder what's going on.

"Kenz!" Maisy said snapping me out of my thoughts, i looked at her and she gave me a "what's wrong look" .

"nothing" i lied and looked back at Hayden and Annie who were gone.

"i have to go bye," i said to her and walk away , i searched for them eaverywhere but couldn't find them anywhere . i walk to a empty hallways and i heard a familiar voice, talking in the janitor's closet beside me , i took a deep breath and slowly spinned the metal handle to see Hayden and Annie kissing which shattered my heart into million pieces .

"Kenzie..." Annie said pulling away from the kiss , a tear rolled down my cheeks as i tried to process everything that just happened.

"Kenzie, i can explain!" Hayden said as more tears roll down ny cheeks, i couldn't control them .

"w-why Annie? w-why did y-you have to do this t-to me?" i said trying to stop my tears.

"i'm sorry Kenz , i can exp-"

"no, save it Annie! i can't believe you both would do this to me. goodluck in your relationship!" i interupted Annie and walked away, i ran to the nearest bathroom and break down.


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