i hate you.

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Kenzie POV

i was talking to my friends when i heard talking behind me. i turned my head to see Brynn asking Johnny to move away. i ignored their argument and sat down at my place. i sort of feel bad for Jo-
no, i can't.. i hate you Johnny Orlando, i won't feel bad for you. you didn't feel bad for me when you left me for your career so i will also not feel bad for you.

"kenzayyy," Lexi snapped me out of my thoughts.

"yeah?" i asked, not having a clue on what was happening.

"what were you thinking about? are you okay? wanna tell me about it? i'm always here for you ya kn-" Maisy ramble on and on, until i cut her off.

"i'm fine, don't worry," i smiled at her, reasuring her.

johnny POV

thanks to my sister, the argument was over. i'm sitting next to a brunette, paying attention to the teacher talking. she was beautiful, but i bet she's dating someone. i mean, a beautiful girl like her can't be single. i finally had the courage to tap her on the shoulder and introduce myself.

"hey, i'm Johnny Orlando. what's your name?" i introduced myself.

"oh hey, my name is Annie Leblanc but you can call me Annie," she said, smiling shyly.

"oh, you must be dating someone right? i mean, who wouldn't date you." i blurted out and quickly covered my mouth and blushed while she giggled. she's so cute when she giggle, her giggle reminds me so much of Mackenzie.

"yes i'm dating someone," she said with a smile.

we continued talking, and ended up not paying attention to the teacher.

{ bell rings }

i stood up from my chair and walked the classroom with Annie. she's really nice, i think i like her... wait no, what am i talking about? i have a girlfriend!

"John!" i heard a voice calling me. i turned around and see Lauren running up to us.

John: hey

Laur: hey, who's this?

Annie: hey, i'm Annie Leblanc but you can call me Annie.

Laur: oh um hi Annie, i'm Lauren Orlando. i'm his sister.

Annie: no wonder you guys look the same.

we all laughed.

Laur: anyways John, have you seen your girlfriend anywhere?

John: no, i was about to ask you if you knew where she is.

Annie: i'll get going now.

Laur: k bye

John: wai-

she ran away, did we say something wrong? was she jealous? no, she can't be. she has a boyfriend. so do i. god damn it, what is wrong with me?

Laur: so are we going to lunch or what?

i get back into reality and started walking to lunch.
i saw Mackenzie with her friends. she doesn't seem to be that happy though. i decided to talk to her.

"Lauren, i want to go talk to Kenz," i told my sister and before she could reply, i walked away.

"um hey Kenz, can we talk... alone?" i asked her, not wanting to get rejected.

"why?" she asked in a bitchy tone. damn, what happened to the bubbly, polite and sweet Mackenzie?

"please," i begged her.

"ok fine," she rolled her eyes.

we walked out of the lunchroom and walked to an empty hallway.

"what do you want to talk about?" she asked, folding her arms.

"are you still mad that we left you for my career?" i asked her, while she just looked down.

"kenz tell me. are you-" before i could finish my sentence, she interupted me.

"yes! i am. now please excuse me," with that, she stormed her way back into lunchroom.

i should have not leave her. why was i so dumb? i never even said goodbye to her. is that why she's bitchy now? because she doesn't want to get hurt anymore? was it because of me? i have so many questions to ask her but she can't even look at me. i walked to lunchroom and find Lauren. once i found her, she was sitting alone, eating lunch. i sat across her.

"hey bro, did you talked to Mackenzie?" she asked.

"yes," i replied as i sigh.

"it's okay John, she has changed now. she's no longer the Mackenzie we knew," she tried comforting me.

"and it's all because of us," i said. she didn't reply. instead, she just sigh and looked down.

"where's Saryna?" i asked, trying to change the topic.

"i don't know. i didn't see her the whole day," she replied.
i just nodded. i'm losing feelings for Saryna, but i just don't want to hurt her feelings. Lauren knows, and she keeps convincing me to just tell Saryna.

hey, i know it been a long time
since i have not updated. i've been busy with school & i've just finished exams and now it's holiday so i'm free!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2019 ⏰

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