why now?

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Johnny POV

i was staring at Mackenzie and i'm sure she didn't caught me, wow she really have changed alot.. i mean she's so beautiful, it's not like she was never beautiful but, she've gotten even more beautiful. honestly, i miss her... i was walking with Lauren and my friend that i miss alot , Carson to our next class .
we all have same classes with Mackenzie so Mackenzie and her friends were walking infront of us while we're walking behind them. i wonder if she's mad at us for leaving her, maybe she is mad but maybe she has forgotten us? nah, i don't think she forgot us. i mean aren't we bestfriends forever? actually... i don't even know if we're still friends , we have never contacted each other for months and now here we are.. back in LA. it feels good t-

"Johnny Vincent Orlando! did you hear what i just said?!" Carson shouts at me snapping me out of my deep thoughts , i look at him and he frowned .

Johnny: what?

Carson: wow , what were u thinking about that you didn't even focused on what i was saying?

Johnny: nothing...

Lauren: John, what's wrong?

i shook my head and speedwalk to class, i walk into the classroom and saw Mackenzie talking and laughing with her friends and i sat down beside a girl , because it was the only sit that's okay for me.

"ew, why are u sitting beside me loser?" the girl who's sitting beside me asked me.

Johnny: why can't i sit here? and who said i'm a loser?

?: because that's my friend's sit and duh , because it says on your forehead that you're a loser.

Mackenzie and her friends than turned their heads and joined the argument.

"Brynn , are u gonna let that newbie sit beside you?" one of Mackz's friends asked Brynn who i assume is the girl sitting beside me. Brynn shooked her head.

oh no, Johnny's getting bullied.. i feel baddd :(
anyways, what do ya think of this chapter? i know it's sorta boring but i'll try make it juicy next time mkay 😊

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