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Just a filler chapter btw.

Brenda Palmer POV:

"Can you tell me what else happened?" a female officer asked me while a paramedic was checking me out. I was outside while Clark was getting his arm checked for any scratches or injuries inside. His 'father' was in the ambulance because he had a decent amount of glass in his back and legs.

"I mean that's it. His dad and him fell down the stairs and I just was watching out for Meranda to make sure she was okay. Before calling you guys and his mom." I spoke. Clark was laughing with the guy who was wrapping his elbow that was semi-cut. Meerkat was holding my hand and saw her mother before running to her.

"Meranda sweetie are you okay?" she said picking her up. We all know damn well Meerkat is big enough to walk. "What happened?" she asked her. Meranda pointed to me to speak. "Who the hell let you in my house?"

"Your son, my boyfriend." I said back crossing my arms over my chest. "I'm the reason you're here now."

"Damn right you are. You need to stop interfering with my family before I cause shit with yours." she threatened.

"First off lady, you need to be careful who you talk to. I'm not afraid of you and I'm damn sure you should be afraid of me. I don't care what you may think, but Clark loves me and I love him too. If you can't support us, you don't have to speak on us period. 

"If there's a problem because of my skin color, you need to rethink your life because honey it's a new era." I said and walked to Clark.

If she really thinks her opinion on me will tee me off, she's got the wrong damn idea. If she can't stand that I have bigger boobs or ass, clearer skin than her, and I don't age like milk, she can go back to the caucasus mountains where she's from and stay there.

"Babydoll." he said hugging me tightly. "What's wrong, what did my mom say?" he asked as the guy gave him a water bottle.

"Nothing that matters to me. I can't deal with that woman Clark, she treats me like I killed her first born." I said as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I mean, she is my mother Bren. I can't change the way she perceives us; if she can't hang then there's the door." he said. I nodded and Meranda walked up to us hugging her brother.

[Song on the Side]

"Clark, mommy wants to talk to you." she said. I sat there while he walked inside this hell of a home. Brenda left shortly after.


Clark POV:

"Clark honey, are you feeling fine?" my mother examined my face and hugged me.

"Yeah mom, I just hope Chancellor isn't." I mumbled looking away at all the leaving paramedics and ambulance.

"Look at me," I did so. "-you need to tell that girl to-."

"What? I'm not making her leave. Not from my life, not from the house when I have her over, nothing."

"Clark, she is no good for you. She just wants you for your benefits and our money."

"Mom, Brenda is not a gold-digger. In fact, her shit parents probably make more that you and Chancellor combined." I said moving her hands from my face.

"I'm not saying she's a gold-digger. But she is the reason you've gotten suspended-"

"It's no big deal Grace, I learned from my mistake and hopefully, so does the other guy."

"Hey! I'm your mother and you do not call me by my first name. Why have you been so disrespectful Clark?!" she said walking away. I went into the kitchen and took a champagne glass out the cabinet and broke open a bottle of champagne that was kept in the higher drawers away from Meranda. 

I twisted the cork off and poured some in the glass before drinking two gulps, being finished, and throwing the glass to the wall, making it shatter to pieces. I'm starting to really hate the way my life turned out.

I used to be talked about tremendously in the school and even inspiration to under-classmen. Football was my life, I actually had a decent family; not including Chancellor, my grades were great, and I've probably lost a chance of having scholarships lined up for me. 

I'm not saying I regret anything, I just wish things could've turned out differently than how they are now.

Ever since dating Brenda, my life has changed for the better. She's just a beautiful curse that I can't shake off. I love her so much, I don't care what baggage comes with being with her. 

It's like, my mom expects me to go back to Kylie now that she and I know that she's a cheating fucking hoe. I know it's not polite to call females hoes or sluts or anything like that, but if you know Kylie, it's appropriate for the situation I've been in. 

I just wish that I could go back and change everything.


Next Day*

When did I come to class? What time is it and why is Mr. Sodayum walking in? Did I sleep a whole day?

"Claarrk baby, can we ditch fourth period today?!" Kylie begged me.

"What?" I asked.

"What do you mean what? Scotty knows a kickback going on right now and if we ditch now, we can make it for beer pong." she winked.

"No, get off me. We're not together." I pushed her hand off my leg.

"What the hell do you mean we're not together we've been together for months and it's staying that way!" she yelled. I looked around and noticed Rebekkah listening to our conversation as usual. She flipped her hair, rolled her eyes, and continued filing her ugly claws, while smacking her gum.

I was paying no attention to what Mr. Sodayum was saying and Kylie walked away from me to start a project. What's fucking going on? As Mr. S went around to help students get started, I left class with my backpack to look for Brenda's first class. 

I finally found it which was in the other side of the building where Miss Ophelia taught History. I walked in the class playing it cool and delivered Miss O with the message that they needed Brenda right now, and they ran out of passes.

She unintelligently believed and wrote Brenda a hall pass to come out of class. She sat by the bitch who I remember she fought not too long ago and remembered they weren't friends.

What? She came out of class and started talking.

"What am I needed for?" she started before I attacked her lips. She tried to pull away but I held on to her back, pulling her forward. She pushed me off of her and slapped me, hard. But why?

"WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM?!" she yelled. I shushed her and put my finger to her lips to quiet her up, only causing her to bite my finger.

"Babe, Bren stop-"

"I'm not your babe. Who the hell are you?! Don't even fucking touch me. The fuck is this dumbass nigga's problem" she said walking away. I ran up to her and grabbed her wrist pulling her with me to a nearby storage room and locking the door from the inside.

She went back against the small room to the wall and I pleaded for her to calm down and realize it was me. But she didn't, she just cried and was scared I was gonna rape her. But my body wasn't doing what my mind told it not to do. It started with my jeans belt, then I covered her mouth and it all went blurry.


Did we just go back in time?

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