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"Babe answer your phone, you didn't call me last night so umm, yeah, love you." I said for the second time. Brenda never texted or called me when she was supposed to get home which made me worry. 

I normally don't care what she does but she usually always text me.

It's been two damn days and I was about to have S.W.A.T. on her ass. 

"You lookin' for Brenda?" Warren asked, coming to the table I was eating at. He took a seat with his Wendy's and began to eat.

"Yeah, I haven't heard from her and we weren't on a bad note either when I saw her the other day." I said.

"That's funny, I haven't heard from Annisa these past few days either. Her parent's are out of town and usually we'd be together at her house but she hasn't called me."

"You think both of them are together?"

"They have to be; Annisa isn't the type to just ditch a relationship or friendship over something stupid. I pissed her off Friday because I wouldn't let her buy dinner for us." he said.

"Brenda hates when I pay for everything. It just feels right to do it you know?"

"I understand. Anyway, I'm going to Annisa's afterschool if you want to come with."

"Thanks but I have an engagement with my sister." I lied.

"Cool man, I'll let you know what I find." he said. We parted ways as I went to sit with Harry and a few other friends. Perry hasn't been around but we know he's somewhere on the school's campus.

Once the day was over, I drove to Kylie's house and waited for her to hop in my car. She arrived 10 minutes later as we drove to the nearest hospital.

"Hey." she greeted.

"Hey, how was your day today?" I asked. Though we're not really 'friends' yet, it's still polite to be nice to her. 

"Better now that you're here with me." she smiled.

"Umm yeah great. So, I'm not going to go in with you because-"

"Are you joking? Clark the only reason I asked you to take me is for you to come with. You can be like a Godfather of my kid, or something."

I stayed silent as I thought it over, and agreed. She squealed. We got to the hospital and checked in before sitting in a room and waiting for a doctor.

Kylie was looking through a pamphlet about the cycles of pregnancy, which made me uncomfortable. An older woman came in and greeted the both of us a bit suprised.

"Well, good afternoon. My name is Dr. Fran Polomar and I'll be your doctor through your beautiful journey. If you don't mind me asking, are you the father?" she asked.

"No, I'm just a friend." I said.

"Well, we do require the father to normally be here with your chekups but I'm guessing he's out the picture?"

"Yes. He's not ready and Clark's more responsible to raise this child with me." Kylie said.


"Okay, well, I'm going to have a nurse come in here and get your vitals and then we'll talk more about what you should expect in the next 8 months." Dr. Polomar said. She got up and I waited until the door closed to confront Kylie.

"First off, I am not ready to raise a fucking child, especially with you." I said.

"Relax Clark, I don't expect you to. The woman thinks I'm some dumbass who got knocked up at a young age and lost my baby-daddy."

"Exactly what you are-"

"So, she needs to know I'm old enough to make my own decisions and I'm responsible." she finished. A nurse came in shortly as I got a text from Warren. I opened and read shortly before Kylie said something.

"Really Clark, you're gonna be texting while I'm going through this. You're such an ass-"

"Fine, chillout I'll put my phone away." I responded. She was so damn clingy and I couldn't even finish reading the text about Brenda and Annisa. I put my phone in my pocket as the nurse put all her tools away and left.

"I brought you in here and I want you to know, I depend on you Clark. I need someone to be there for me." she cried.

"Kyles stop crying to me with this shit." I said. It was annoying and now I wish I never even came. 


Brenda Palmer POV

"Thanks for letting me stay over Annisa. I know it was a lot but-"

"Don't stress, it's what God would've wanted me to do. You came over for a reason." she said. She hugged me as I walked to my car and drove home. I tried calling Clark but it went straight to voicemail.

I pulled up to my house, parked, and unlocked the house door. I saw Logan on the couch with her head in her hands and my dad asleep in his chair.

I closed the door as Logan looked up to me and stormed up to me, hugging me. I pushed her off as tears came down her cheeks.

"I was so worried about you Brenda where the hell have you been?!" she asked.

"Don't act like you care about me, because you would've came into my life in the first place and told me you were my birth mom. You're nothing to me." I walked past her.

"Please Brenda just don't walk out that door, I was scared. You're my first daughter and I love you more than you know it." she cried.

"I'm moving out once this school year ends and getting an apartment. Just a heads up." I said. I walked up the stairs and to my room; I closed and locked the door, sinking to the ground.

I need sleep and Clark. He can't be doing anything important.

I got a random text from a familiar but unprogrammed number and read it.

This is Megan. Just want to remind you about the night you were at the morgue. Clark and I kissed. Just give up, no one's loyal to you anymore. He's with Kylie at her checkup just so you know. xoxo

When shit goes left.


CG ;

I pulled in front of Kylie's house ready to let her out until she spoke.

"Thank you Clark, for everything." she said.

She grabbed my hand and stroked it. She let go and got out.

I stared at her and drove as fast as I could back home.

I need help.


Sorry this was short lovelies! So, I'm wrapping this up in like 2/3 chapters. Happy November !

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