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The night was going great, and you were having fun with the boys. You could feel the friendship growing between you and the seven members. The last time you've watched your phone, it was 11:47, and that was hours ago! BTS members really knew how to have fun, and their games were quite simple. From simply talking and laughing, to card games and karaoke on the tv, they knew all kind of games, and how to entertain someone. Hoseok, Jimin and Jungkook were the three main entertainer of the night, but the others always knew when to place a joke or two. You yourself was doing so, now confortable with them. You even finally accepted a drink from Namjoon, throwing all professional impression aside. That was how confortable you were.

Time was passing by quickly, and around 3 o'clock in the morning, Seokjin asked to talk to you in private. At that time, he was the only one who wasn't drunk out of the seven on them, and you were close to being it yourself.

"I think you should go." he said without hesitation.

"What? Why?" You answered, forgetting that he was your boss. "We're having fun..."

He suddenly got nervous, but you had no idea why. Your mind was to fuzzy from the alcohol to think clearly. Maybe you were drunk without realizing it. Seokjin passed a hand through his hair and looked back behind you at the other boys. He was thinking, you saw that clearly despite the fuzziness.

"Just... Nabi, listen." He started again, his eyes looking directly down in yours. "The boys are not used to being drunk around girls..."


A sigh escaped his mouth before he started talking again with an other approach.

"I just... I don't know how they'll behave around you. I've been watching you guys for a moment now, and I've noticed that some of them are looking at you in a... strange way..."

Thinking back the hardest you could, you've never noticed it. You quickly looked back at them all sitting around the small table, and only then you met the gaze of two of them on you. Jimin and Jungkook. Both of them had drink a lot, and they were not looking at your eyes, that was for sure. You slowly turned back to face the tall men standing with you, blush taking over your cheeks.

"Oh..." was the only thing you could say.

"I'm sorry, I know you really had fun, but I think it'll be safer for you to leave..."

"Yeah I understand now... Thank you for telling me..."

You passed by the drunk boys a last time and said goodbye to them. Your eyes felt onto the two young's ones again, and you saw Jimin bitting his lower lip. Oh god, you though. You admitted it, he was a hottie, but he was also drunk. Really drunk. He probably didn't even liked you in the first place, but the alcohol in his system made him think otherwise. Jin, who had seen it too, quickly grabbed you by the arm and pulled you closer to the exit. You putted on your shoes, but remembered that Jungkook had taken your jacket to an unknown place.


Jin looked back at you.

"Jungkook took my jacket when I came in, but I have no idea of where it is right now..."

"Wait here, I'll go check."

You thanked him, and he left you in the entrance of their appartement. While waiting, you took to your phone. 3:56 in the morning. "Shit", you muttered. You hoped that you would not be called to work in the morning, or else you'd probably call sick, even though you knew that it usually leaved a good impression on the second day of work.

Lost in your thoughts, you hadn't realized the presence that had creeped close to you. Suddenly, a large hand took hold of your phone and took it away from you. You quickly lifted your head, only to realize how close you were from Jungkook. You almost shared the same breathing air, and his eyes on you felt like if they were digging through your soul. He was way taller than you, and you felt intimidated by him at that moment. You tried to take a step back, but you were already leaning on the closed door.

"J-Jungkook." you slowly said. "Give me my phone back please."

"It's not Jungkook for you my dear..." he said in a low voice. "Call me da-"

"Jeon Jungkook!" A voice yelled behind him. "Leave her alone and give her her phone right now!"

Thank god, you though when you saw Seokjin with your jacket. Jungkook did as his older brother told him with an annoyed face, then returned to the table with the others.

"I'm so sorry for his behavior..." said Seokjin while giving you your jacket. "That's the kind of things that I'm worrying about..."

Only realizing now that tears were rolling down your cheeks, you let yourself fall in the boy's arms. Realizing that you were crying, he immediately held you close to him. What Jungkook did some seconds ago remembered you about how your ex-boyfriend used to treat to. He would make you call him names so disgusting that you felt like throwing up every time you said them, and when you refused to say them, he would get angry at you and beat you up. The fact that you were stuck between the door and Jungkook made it worst, terror taking over you. You were now trembling and crying in Seokjin arms, unable to control your fear. You knew that the young boy didn't ment to scare you or hurt you in any way, but you couldn't control your memories.

Realizing that you wouldn't calm down after some time, Seokjin made you remove your shoes and, without letting go of you, brought you to the bathroom. There, he gently lifted you to sit you on the counter and took a closer look to your face. Your mascara was everywhere under you eyes, and on his shirt too. Your eyes themselves were puffed and red, due to the crying. The man gently took a tissue and washed you face with it, while trying his best to confort you. You finally stopped crying, but your eyes were closing by themselves. Your hands were still trembling, so Seokjin decided that he couldn't let you go alone in the early morning like that. Instead, he took you in his arms like a baby and took you to what you assumed was his room. Slowly and gently, he laid you down on his bed, and sat beside you. Taking one of your hand in his, he spoke in a soft voice.

"It's going to be fine Nabi, it just needs some time... I swear to you that everything will be fine. I'll be here to help you, I'll stay by your side..."

To tired, you felt asleep while he was in mid-sentence, so you hadn't heard his last words. The last thing you remembered before falling asleep was his soft voice, and his large hand enveloping yours in a protective way.


Your sleep was haunted by nightmares that night, and you woke up in sweat some hours after being sent to sleep. You didn't remembered where you were, but Seokjin's head on the hedge of the mattress and his hand still on yours helped you remember. He had helped you last night like no one had ever done before.He looked so calm while sleeping, you didn't want to wake him up. Slowly, you removed your hand from under his, and got out of bed. Sunlight was starting to shine through the curtains, so you decided to go back home. You didn't felt like staying in this appartement was right while all of the boys were sleeping. Before leaving, you putted a blanket on Seokjin so that he would not get cold, and you left a note on the table between all of the empty beer bottles.

The sky was pink outside, and no clouds were to be seen. You weren't completely strong on your legs, so you decided to call a taxi. Once at what you called home, you took a quick shower, and returned to bed for a couple hours.


You were woken up by your cellphone ringing. Picking it up from under your pillow, you realized that you've slept for at least five hours. A message from an unknown number was announced on the screen. You opened it up to find a short message from Seokjin.

💬 Hey, I hope you made it alright to your appartement. Take care of yourself for today, I asked our manager to give you a day off. See you tomorrow at BigHit! ☺️

At first you found it sweet from him, but then you realized; how did he get your number?

💬 Thank you for last night 😅 But can I know how you got my number?

The answer came some second after.

💬 I have my sources at BigHit, and since you are technically supposed to work for me, the manager gave it to me. I'm sorry, brake is over. I have to return to my dance lesson or else Hoseok might kill me 😅 Talk to you later?

💬 Yeah why not 😊 Good luck with Hoseok!

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