Something New

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You stared at him silently, thinking about what he had just said. What exactly were you? You weren't sure yourself. You were close to each other, that was for sure.

-I... I don't know... What do you think about it?

-I'll probably sound weird, but... You probably realised how close we're getting, and... I like the way it's going... I'd like to go further with you... To take that step forward.

You stayed silent and analysed what Seokjin had just said. You kind of already knew how he felt towards you, since Jungkook had told you the night he slept at your apartment, but you didn't knew what to think of it.

Did you like Seokjin?

Did you want to go forward with him?

Were you ready for a new relationship?

Tons of questions were filling your mind, but your worries were pushed away by the man that was looking at you with soft eyes. He knows my worries, you thought. You were also aware of the problems you would both be facing if you went out together, since his group was getting more popular every day.

Then the questions and worries were chased by memories you had with him. Good memories. You thought of every moment you'd spent with him, the sweet and the bitter ones, and realised that he had been there for you in the worst times, even when you didn't asked for his help.

Yes you were worried, and yes you still had a thousand questions left unanswered, but the feelings you had toward him were real, and his were too. He was the man that had stars in his eyes every time he was looking at you. He was the man that always supported you. He was the man that had cared for you since the second he met you.


His voice pulled you out of your thoughts.

-It's okay if you don't answer me tonight you know... He said with his head down. I just wanted you to know how I feel-

-Seokjin. You cut him off. I do like you back, don't get me wrong on this, but... I'm scared...

He looked directly in your eyes and grabbed your hands in his.

-I'm scared too, but I'll be there for you. I'll protect you no matter what... I know that I can be childish, but I'm really serious this time. Please let me show you how much I care about you, and how much I love you...

You smiled shyly at what he just asked you, and nodded your head, chasing for good all the doubts.

He'll be there for me. He'll protect me. He loves me. And I love him too.

A smile appeared on his lips, and his grip on your hands tightened.
You spent the rest of the drive talking about anything with Seokjin. You couldn't stay still in your place, and kept shifting position. Eventually, the man grabbed you by the shoulders and pulled you towards him so you would lay against him.

-Comfy? He asked while petting the top of your head.

You nodded as an answer, and pushed your body closer to his. It was warmer.

-Hey, Seokjin? What do you think the others will think of this? And the agency?
-The others won't oppose to this, I'm sure of it. And for the agency, don't listen to what they say.

You stayed silent.

-Nabi, look at me.

You raised your head towards his, and in the blink of an eye, your lips met. The kiss lasted long enough for you to run out of breath, and your eyes were close tight the whole time. His lips were soft against yours, the contact sending you shivers. It was different from anything you'd experienced before. It was love at its purest, with nothing to hide about. It was fragile, like rose petals. It's was everything you've been longing for.

Seokjin backed up first. You opened your eyes and followed his annoyed gaze. In the row in front of yours, Hoseok, who was now fully awake, had his cellphone in his hands.

-Wait until the other sees this! He said to Seokjin.
-You wouldn't dare. Warned the oldest.
-Who knows? 

You were looking at one and the other, not understanding what had just happened. Hoseok, a huge smile on his face turned his phone towards you, showing a picture of the moment you just had with the oldest.

-You demon! Give me that!

And that's how a fight between Hoseok and you begun for the rest of the ride.
You were now standing in front of the dorms door, still trying to get Hoseok's phone out of his hands. He was holding it over his head so you couldn't reach it. He was laughing at your face, and you frowned to him. You glanced at Seokjin, who was taller than the rapper and still doing nothing.

-Help me out! You pleaded while pulling his sleeve.

He looked at you and laughed a little.

-It's Hoseok, you can't do anything against him.

You turned to the other man again and tried jumping to get the phone, but he avoided all of you attacks.

-Just give up Nabi! He said still laughing. Like your man said, you can't beat me!
-He's not my man!

Seokjin sent me a shocked look.

-Uh... I mean..

The two boys started laughing at your reaction.
Once in the dorms, you ran in your room to hide, knowing very well what Hoseok was going to do the second he would get to the boys. And as you predicted, seconds later, yells and laughs came from the living room. Then, someone ran to your room and swung the door open. It was Kookie.

-Is it true? He asked in awe.

You nodded, and a huge smile appeared on his face, letting you see his bunny teeth. He ran towards you and squeezed you close to him. You were smiling too.

-Welcome in the family Nabi... He said, his voice now soft.
-Thanks Kookie, I was scared to see your reaction...

He backed up a few steps and grabbed your hands in his.

-Of course I'm happy for you! Seokjin-hyung is the best man you could possibly love. He can be funny, he can be serious, he's caring, and he cooks super well!

You laughed a little bit. Seeing that you were relaxed, Jungkook pulled you out of your room and dragged you to the living room where the others were. When they saw you, they all ran and hugged you.

-We have a little sister now! Yelled Taehyung in excitement.
-Does that mean that I'll have to use honorifics? You asked laughing.
-Nah it would sound weird!

All of them were laughing after this, but none let go of you. You were stuck in their embrace, but you didn't complained; it was the most comforting thing you've ever felt.

-What do you think the company will think about it? You asked, not laughing anymore.

They let you go and stayed silent for a moment he atmosphere was tense now, as they all knew the answer to your question, but didn't want to answer. You were a worker at BigHit, you worked for the boys, and yet you fell in love with one. You were hoping that their managers wouldn't mind the relationship, but deep down you knew that it would be more complicated than that. Eventually, you felt Seokjin's arms sneaking around your waist and pulling you into a back hug. He lowered his head so that it was at the same level as yours and that his chin rested on your shoulder. Smiles appeared on his brothers' faces at the sight.

-I know what you're all thinking. He said in a low voice. But if I could give you all an advice, it would be to not listen to everything the company says. They're putting up rules to control us a minimum, but sometime they ask us things as if they forgot that we're still humans and not just idols.
-But they won't fire you, they can't do that. It's different for me, and I need this job...

Seokjin was about to add something but was cut off by the youngest.

-You won't get fired, we'll make sure of it! You're our sister, we'll protect you!

His words warmed you heart, and a big smile appeared on you lips. You knew he was sincere, and you knew that his words were true. You looked at the others faces and realized that they all thoughts the same as Jungkook. They were there for you, and they'll support you, no matter what. You were their sister now.

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