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You woke up, or rather was woken up by loud yells coming from the living room. You thought it would be about 9am in the morning, but realized it was way passed that time when you looked at your phone. You decided to get up, still having swollen eyes from all of the crying of last night. The only thing you had on, except your underwear, was a long over-sized white t-shirt that one of the guys, you didn't knew which one, had lend you the night before.

You dragged yourself out of the room and to the living room, to finally find two boys, still in their pyjamas, playing Overwatch together. Those brats woke me up for that... When they saw you and your murderous look, they dropped their controllers.

-Were we... too loud? Asked Jungkook while moving his hand trough his hair.
-We're sorry for waking you up! Please don't kill us!

The last part was said by Taehyung, who was now bowing in front of you, apologizing the best he could. You only stood there, looking at them, and started laughing. They looked at you with puzzled faces.

-It's like I have two little, annoying, yet still lovely brothers, you said while patting the top of Tae's head.

The youngest quickly got up and looked at you from his height with a small smirk.

-Who's little now? He said while messing up your hair.
-Ya! Not fair! You said laughing.

Still smiling lightly, Jungkook gently lifted your face so that you were directly facing him, and looked at you with soft eyes.

-How are you this morning? Did you slept well?
-I'm fine, you answered while pushing his hand away. And my sleep was alright. Thanks for the room by the way...
-You can come sleep here whenever you want, added Taehyung who was now standing up besides you.

You gave them a warm smile, and headed for the kitchen. It was close to lunch time, and you were starving. You haven't eaten last night since you didn't felt like it (for obvious reasons), and now your stomach was getting back at you. You quickly looked around the counter, then in the fridge, until you found what you needed to make it alive until diner. Eggs and rice it is. You grabbed everything you needed to cook, and started making yourself a meal. Not so long later, a presence entered the kitchen behind you. The boy approached you and tried hugging you from behind, but you quickly pushed him away in panic. You turned around to find Seokjin looking shocked.

-Sorry, you said. I just...
-No. I shouldn't of done that. Not after what happened to you last night... I'm the one who's sorry...

You smiled lightly at him and returned to what you were doing on the counter. He followed what you were doing and started helping you. You both cook without talking for a while, but Seokjin ended up asking questions you didn't necessarily wanted to talk about right at that moment. You skillfully escaped each one of the question, but you quickly got tiered of hearing them. You were about to shut him up when a certain question came out.

-Those scars... Was he the one to cause them?

You froze. It took you some seconds to put down the knife you were holding. You didn't looked at him, nor did you move from your spot. You simply took a deep breath, and answered him.

-No. When we had first gotten together, he was very good to me, and he actually helped me getting through it. But then, eventually, he began abusing me and taking power over me...

Seokjin remained silent, so you talked again to restrain him from adding any kind of comment.

-Can we like, change the subject? I really don't want to talk about him right now.
-Don't be.

You both continued your cooking, and soon enough the food was ready. You had made more than you though, so Seokjin called the other boys over to eat all together.
It was loud around the table, since the boys were exited about the shooting scheduled for the next day. Taehyung was making everyone laugh with the poses he was showing, Hoseok was being his loud self, and Namjoon was talking with Yoongi about their next album. The only one relatively silent was Seokjin in front of you. Sometime he was laughing at Taehyung funny poses, or he was telling Hoseok the quiet down, but that was it. He was eating his food with the most serious face, his eyes down. You knew, by the look on his face, that he was thinking. You, on the other side, were trying your best to avoid doing so. You just wanted to turn the page on this whole story. You wished to create new memories, better ones, with those boys and with new friend. A new chapter in your life. A new beginning.

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