Chapter 2: Puppy Love and Growling

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Now let's start from the very beginning... My wedding. Although the ceremony was small and only included a few friends, my family, and the priest, it was perfect. It was all I needed. I did wonder where his family was though, but not enough to confront him about it. That was red flag number four hundred and six. I should have known. 

But I didn't. I was a sick puppy in love.

After the vows were said and done in a cozy church in our city, we headed off to the airport to catch our flight to our honeymoon destination. Spencer insisted it was a surprise so I boarded the plane with giddy excitement.

We ended up at a resort in the Bahamas. I questioned how he could afford such a thing, but he simply brushed it off saying, "You're worth it, baby."

Now let's jump right into the story from where I left off. My first time with Spencer was everything a girl could imagine. Yet, somehow I still feel like it was a dream.

"I can't believe we're really here!" I spin around with my arms out wide beside me as I breathe in the sea-scented air.

I am standing in front of a giant resort with my husband's hand enlaced with mine. He sits me down in the lobby with windows looking out at the deep blue ocean as he goes to check us in. I gaze out at the beach. The sand looks so inviting; I can't wait to bury. U toes in it. The water is so blue and with the reflection of the sunset it looks so beautiful. I just can't wait to go for a swim.

Spencer finishes checking us in and he hands the luggage to a bell hop to take our things to the room.

"So. What cha wanna do?" I am teeming sigh excitement.

"Dunno," he pauses while deep in thought, "Let's make a bet."

"What kind of bet?" I giggle. He's so silly. I love it when he gets all playfully competitive and such. It's a total turn on.

He smiles brightly at me before poking my nose. "I bet you I can beat you down to the beach."

"Not a chance."


"Yeah, and what do I get when I win?"

"You get to decide what we do tonight t."

"Uh-huh," I wink, "Well in that case," my voice trails off as I push him to the side to get a head start. My bathing suit if already on underneath my clothes and I quickly head out the doors. That bastard will never catch me.

I don't even look back as I follow the signs down to the beach. My flipflops squeak and make farting noises as I run but that doesn't stop me.

I reach the sand and I am a panting mess. I turn around towards the pathway as I wait for Spencer to catch up. I can't wait to see the look on his face when I tell him we're going to go to the spa to get a couple's massage.

But a pair of familiar strong arms wrap themselves around me.

"Looks like I beat you."

"How?" I turn to stare at him baffled.

"I took a secret path."

"Damn it," I mutter underneath my breath.

"Language, Mia! Potty mouth!"

I roll my eyes. "What chu gonna do about it?"

He laces his hands together behind my back and appears to be leaning in for a kiss. I close my eyes to meet his lips but they never make contact. Instead, he pushes me to the sand and yells, "Last one in the water is a rotten egg!"

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