Chapter 17: Sweet Escape

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The moment my feet hit the sand, I begin running, not knowing how long Spencer will be out cold. I make my way up the beach and onto the pathway towards the houses.

I decide to try the smaller houses first as one of them could belong to the island's caretaker. I'm not entirely sure how this rich person world works, but I assume there needs to be someone here at all times taking care of it. However, these efforts are fruitless and I find myself in front of a giant peach colored mansion.

After ringing the doorbell, I feel exposed wearing nothing but my bikini and curse myself for not bringing my coverup.

It isn't long before a brunette man wearing an expensive-looking burgundy robe answers the door. His menacing blue eyes and dark eyelashes are the first things I notice, and my breath catches in my throat at how striking yet intimidating this man is. He appears to be in his late twenties, perhaps only a few years older than me, with a clean shaven face, high cheekbones, and short brown hair.

I am about to say something when the man unexpectedly takes a step closer to tower over my small frame. His cold blue eyes travel the length of my body and my body reacts with a fearful shiver as I watch his lips bend into a smirk.

"Well, who do we have here?" he purrs, his tone both sultry and frightening.

"M-my name is M-Mia," I stutter, distracted by his advancement toward me. My eyes watch in fear as his hand reaching for my chin. He studies my face with his crystal blue eyes for a moment while I hold my breath.

"Mia," he repeats under his breath, savoring the word as if tasting it on his tongue. The man releases my chin.

"Y-yes... I was wondering if I could use a phone. You see, I was ki..." I'm about to delve into my situation when all of the sudden he leans toward me, bending down so we are at eye level. I see a glint of crazy in his eyes but I push that thought away as he is my only chance at salvation. His close proximity makes me both flustered and afraid.

"Mia, doll, I don't care about your life story. Just come inside," he states as if bored.

"Mkay," I squeak out, the nerves getting the best of me.

"Cute," he chuckles before turning around to enter his mansion. He holds the door open for me to enter. I take a deep breath before walking inside after him.

The foyer is extravagant with a grand staircase and has an archway that leads into a giant sitting room which extends the width of the house. The man leads me down a hallway and into a living room and tells me to sit down on one of the couches. He sits across from me.

"So... where is your phone?" I ask. He chuckles in response.

"Silly girl. You're not going anywhere near my phones," he states matter-of-factly before lighting a cigarette from his pocket.

"T-then why am I here?" I choke out, watching as his gaze fills with bad intentions. He puts out the cigarette before getting up and sitting on the edge of the coffee table in front of me so we are closer. His hands place themselves on my bare legs and he looks into my eyes with an intense stare. My heart rate picks up and tears threaten to spill as I realize I might be in true danger.

I'm with a stranger, alone on an island. Who knows what he is capable of?

"Don't worry your pretty little head about details like that. We just can sit here for a while and enjoy each other's company," he smirks and moves his hands further up my legs. I attempt to gulp down my apprehension, but I feel extremely uncomfortable.

"Oh hush. There's nothing to worry about," he pauses before reaching into his pocket. "Do you smoke?" He pulls out a white box of cigarettes.

"Look," I start, "I really appreciate your... errr... hospitality but I really need to use a phone. You see, I've been ki..."

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