jimmy fallon show

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"Today we have Y/n L/n with us, how are you doing y/n?" Jimmy asked me.

"I'm good. Thank you for having me tonight" I said as I let out a little laugh.

If you're wondering, yes. I'm on the jimmy Fallon show.

"Thank you for being here. Anyways, we have a few questions for you today. First question, what is it like working with the rest of the cast?" He asked

"Oh it's wonderful. I've made so many new best friends ever since I got casted for season 1 of Stranger things. It's been an absolute fun filled ride and it's even better with all of them" I said as the crowd clapped.

"That's beautiful y/n. You guys, you guys really are the sweetest cast in the whole world. We love you guys" jimmy said as the crowd started cheering.

"Aww thanks jimmy we love you and all of our fans" I said as I waved towards the crowd, making them clap again.

"Okay we've got a few more questions. Who would you consider your best friend on set?" He asked.

"Ooh that's a hard one. Gee... I don't know. I'd say maybe Noah. Yeah Noah has to be #1 on my list." I said making the crowd aww.

"No not like that!" I said while laughing

"So you have a list?" Jimmy asked.

"Well, not really. Like I said before, maybe Noah and millie would be 1st and then in 2nd it'd be everyone else. I definitely can't pick spots for them." I said, shaking my head as I let out a small giggle.

"Okay one last question. Who are you the closest with while on set?" Jimmy asked.

"Well, there are actually two people I'm really close with. There's Millie who I tell all of my secrets and then Noah who I tell some of my secrets too. Noah isn't really good at keeping secrets. I know that from experience" I said as I shook my head while laughing again.

"Well, thank you for being here today and as you know, we always do something fun with one of our guests. Last time you were here, you rapped to Monster with Millie" Jimmy said as the crowd started cheering. I started to smirk as I nodded

"Well, we were hoping you would rap today too. Maybe a season 1 recap"

"Yes yes of course" I said as I stood up and walked on stage.

"Here we have y-y-y/n l/n rapping a season one recapppp!" Jimmy yelled out in a rapper voice.

The musicians started the beat.

"Let's go back to Indiana circa 1983

Just 4 boys, in the basement chilling playing d&d

There was Lucas, there was willy will and Dustin there was a mike

But one night,

Will goes missing while he's riding on his bike


I yell out the last part then turn around and see millie running out on stage best to me and preforming the next part.

The crowd started cheering very loudly for her.


"That's when they met me elev"

"She had no hair on her head"

"I had been so close to dead"

"Curtesy of dr brenner"

"-Who's hunting me twenty four sev"

"Joyce was hanging Christmas lights in the web, started hearing something Willy had said"

"This could be a message from the beyond- wait, what happened to barb ?"

"She's just gone in the upside down!"

"Hoppers on top of the case"

"While I'm throwing a vans into space

I'm Lying down in a tank

Trying my best to find willy"

"And Dustin's got pudding for days!"

"Demogorgans getting all in my way

Blast them to pieces just like a grenade"

"Wills now at home coughing up slugs in the sink"

"What happened to me? I'm in the upside down"

"What about now?"

"The saga continues tune in to see how"

"Upside down. What about now?"

"The saga continues tune in to see how"

"All I need are my eggo waffles"

"She's in love with those"

"What I'm left with when I use my powers is a bloody nose yeah"

"Bad news when you see that bloody nose, yeah"

"Bad news when you see that bloody nose"


"Everyone! Y/n L/n and Millie Bobby Brown!"

We waved to the crowd, then ran offstage.

//should've written this a while ago since they're singing abt season one lol

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