will byers

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Nicole sat against the wall of castle byers with a comic book in hand. Will was sitting across from her, doing the exact same thing while occasionally looking at his best friend.

Nicole often got the feeling of someone looking at her, making her feel a bit uneasy. Even more if it was Will who was looking at her, since she's had a big crush on him since the third grade.

"It's nice outside.." Will said as he tried to spark up a conversation with Nicole. Nicole looked up from her comic and nodded while smiling a little. The put the comic down to the side before looking back up at Will, who seemed a bit tense. "Wanna play hide and seek?" She asked him

Will's eyes lit up before he bolted out of Castle Byers. He stood outside with a big smile, waiting for Nicole.

Nicole walked out while laughing. "You're so funny" she smiled before standing across from him. "Do you want to hide first?" she asked him as she placed her hands on her hips.

Will thought for a few seconds. He looked being the seeker. "I'll be the seeker. You hide" he said with a smile before turning towards a tree and closing his eyes. He began to count to 50.

Nicole ran fast through the woods, trying to find a good hiding spot that wasn't too far away from Will. She found a hollow tree, and quickly jumped inside.

Will was finally done counting after a few seconds. He smirked before yelling out, "READY OR NOT, HERE I COME!"

Nicole giggled as she shut her eyes before breathing loudly, not knowing that she was doing so. "Nicole" Will sneered while laughing. "Where are you?" he continued.

Nicole smiled as she heard his voice. He always made her happy. Maybe she doesn't just like Will.. she might even love him. She peeked her head out of the hollowed out tree to see will lots of feet away. She sighed out in relief before realizing she didn't check if the tree was free of bugs

She looked up and saw a ginormous spiderweb with a huge spider crawling on it, which began to fall down towards her. Nicole screamed, she hated bugs. She swatted her hands around, hoping to not get the spider on her.

Will looked around and ran to where she heard the scream. "You okay?!" he yelled as he began to look for Nicole. He found her nearby and quickly ran to her, pulling her into a hug. "Hey.." he said soothingly, "you okay?" he asked as he took off what seemed to be a spiderweb from her hair. She must've touched it.

"Yeah i-i guess, there were bugs, and there was this spider-" she rambled on as she quickly stepped away from the tree she stepped into, and began to take off whatever got on her.

Will laughed at her teasingly. Nicole scrunched up her nose in confusion. "What?" she asked as she tilted her head to the right a teeny bit. "Oh nothing, i just can't believe i have a crush on a girl who's afraid of spiders" he laughed before pulling off some more webs from Nicole.

Nicole's heart skipped a beat as the butterflies in her stomach made her feel a bit queasy. "You like me?" She asked, unsure of how someone like Will Byers, could like her. Of course she liked him, but he liked her back?!

"Well duh, you're amazing" Will smiled, not as nervous as he used to be. He got the courage the tell her. "I really like you, Nicole. I hope you like me back" he said softly as a small smile rose onto his face, followed by a small blush.

Nicole looked away nervously. She didn't expect this at all. Not a single bit. "I like you too, Will" she said as she gently wrapped her arms around his torso. Will hugged her back, pulling her closer to his body.

best. hangout. ever.


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