Chapter One

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       I prop my head up with my arm anxious for the following day. Reaping Time was in 2 hours might as well get up now won't be able to sleep anyway. I sigh slipping my boots on heading out. There is  twice as much a chance of me being reaped this year. I think tossing on a nice shirt as well as nice pants. I was hardly sixteen and from an area noted as the seam, I also have to get terrace to help keep my family fed which put the odds not in my favor.

     We made it to the square and all from the ages of twelve to eighteen were in the middle. I stood in the group of male sixteen year olds as our escort Lilene Mino made it to the stage in her preppy capitol outfit.  "Welcome Welcome everyone and Happy hunger games!" She said cheerfully. "This year is the quarter quell yes yes I see your excitement" She says prancing over to a large glass bowl. Lilene put her long fingernails in the girls bowl. "Ladies First!" she says cheerfully picking out a slip and opening it. "Elizabeth Winters" she almost screamed as silence swept across the square. A twelve year old Everyone watches in silence as no one steps forward to volunteer.  The next girl to be reaped is a girl who is sixteen almost 17 named Maysilee Donner.

   "Now onto the gentlemen shall we" Lilene says pulling a name out the bowl. "Jordan Mills" She says as a fourteen year old boy slips up to stage. "Now our final tribute" She says pulling a name I gulp This is it I probably won't be reaped and will go home and be safe I think just as she opens the paper. "Haymitch Abernathy" She says. My eyes widen as I am pushed up to the stage. I stood frozen knowing no one would volunteer and I would be going to the second quarter quell. "Now shake hands everyone" She says as I shake Adenine's hand then Lizzie's and lastly Jordan. We are all ushered into the justice building and directed to a room peacekeepers watching our every move.

      I walk into a room with a red couch and chair. It was so soft as I sat gazing out the window seeing the capitol's train at the station. My mother walks in tears in her eyes with my little sister. "Mitch...Win for me?" My sister says giving me the baby eyes. "I-I promise I'll try and come home" I say hugging her. My mom was standing there trying to be strong with tears in her eyes. "We'll always love you Haymitch" she sighs putting an arm around me.

After our time was up the four of us were ushered to the train. Lizzie cried her eyes out wanting to go home but the rest of us silently boarded the train. "Alright everyone I'm your escort Lilene and this is your mentor, Oliver Goddard winner of the eighth hunger games your districts only victor" she says walking around us. "Haymitch Abernathy your quarters are three carts down, Jordan Mills two, Maysilee Donner one cart and Elizabeth Winters you are in the cart next to the dining cart. Now do any of you have nicknames you go by" she asks. "I-I go by Lizzie" Lizzie responds. "And my family and close friends call me Mitch but Haymitch is fine I guess" I say looking up. "Alright you may head to your quarters but meet for dinner in about an hour here" Lilene says as we head to our compartments. I walk in and take my clothes off taking a plain dark red t-shirt and gray pants and put them on fastening the black bracelet my sister made for me which was my token. I headed out to relax and dozed off a bit. 

"AH" I screeched falling off the couch. "Save sleeping for after dinner" a man with gray eyes and straight dark hair says helping me up. "S-Sorry!" I say heading for dinner. I used my fingers and pull some knots out my slightly curly dark hair before taking a seat near Adenine. Plates are passed out with loads of food, more food than I had ever seen in my life, on them. There was some sort of meat with a sauce over it with some sort of potato that was mashed as well as round rolls, a breast of chicken, veggies with spices and some sort of sauce. A warm chocolate seeming drink in a mug was placed in front of us and immediately I started using my hands and eating. Lilene scoffed watching us. "Manners please" she says. I then wipe my hands and use the utensils.  

   I toss the pants off and curl up under the comforter of my bed falling asleep almost forgetting we would be sent to our deaths in two weeks. When morning comes we've gotten closer to the capitol I change into a dark green shirt and put the pants back on heading for breakfast. Everyone began laughing as we talked about life in 12. I picked up my sharp knife and threw it directly above our escort's head. "Now THAT's what we need!" Oliver shouts I look uo surprised. "Young man what's your name?" He asks. "Haymitch" I respond. "Well Haymitch you truly may be our districts first champion since my games!" he says. I look down. This is the quarter quell I don't stand a chance I think staring down.

Just so you guys know young haymitch is a slightly curly dark haired boy about sixteen with blue gray eyes and a slightly muscular build Maysilee has blonde hair and blue eyes and a skinny body. Lizzie is a tiny dark hair girl with short hair and brown eyes. Oliver is a blonde hair man with blue eyes and Lilene looks like Effie in Catching Fire ;)

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