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Uh. Well there "High and o'honorable SUPREME Chancellor Devito" I kinda have a battle with the Empire and it's kinda Gay there so I have get there and stop the Traps from taking sector 501 and help fight with some of the good 501's to stop the Traps from spreading the Gay across the Universe. (Danny) Aah, I see.. Well what If We help and then you can help us Italians out? (Solo) Uhh...Hmmm... Let me talk with Chewie and we'll discuss but I'm down if he's down. But I'll need a favor in return one day. (Danny) I'M FIXING YOUR DAMN RUST BUCKET! THAT'S YOUR FAVOR DUMB ASS! (Solo) Ah-Ok. HAHA! You drive a hard bargain. I always admired your moxy.  Okay I'll be right back Shorty. (Solo walks back into his ship) (Danny) I'M NOT SHORT! I'm petite.

Mario and Luigi: Now what? (Danny) We fix a ship! 

(After 3 hours of fixing and eating some SPAGHET from Chili's the Italian Trio was finally finished screwing and monitoring, and screwing the ship and more monitoring then more screwing and so on!)

Han Solo: So I talked with Chewie and he said no. Sorry guys. 

Danny: would he do it for a ~Scooby Snack?!~ 

Solo: What do you think he is? Some type of D--.

Chewbacca: (Excited Wookie Noise) WAAaaAaaAAH!!

Solo: Well never mind then. Welp come on guys and you two DOG brain.

Chewbacca: (Laughing Wookie Noise) Wah-Ha-Ha-Ha!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2018 ⏰

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