Chapter 9

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Pretty soon after that, the rest of the video producers came in. They all went to where the camera was and started chatting about what they wanted to do and when. 

Avi made his way over to where Kirstie was and saw that there was an empty chair beside her. 
"Is this seat taken?" Kirstie shook her head, smiled, and gestured for him to sit down. He did as so, never taking his eyes off of her. 
"You look good, much more lumberjack-like than your usual style. You looked like a dude from a biker gang when you first got here." She said, giggling. Avi flashed her a smile and looked down, admiring his shirt and jeans. 

"Yeah it's a little bit different than what I usually do but hell, isn't all of this different than my norm? I kind of like the lumberjack look actually." 

"It's fits you, the red and black really bring out your ey-" Shit! Did she really just almost say that? She hoped he wouldn't piece together what she was going to say, but Avi was too smart not to. He smiled an even brighter smile at her and chuckled. 

"Why thank you, my "ey" always did appreciate the red and black color scheme." He tried to mock her as best as he could, but it was kind of hard considering the word "eye" sounded the same no matter how many letters of the word you pronounced. "I'm sorry, I tried to stop myself" She said.

"From what? Complimenting me? I know you think I'm hot." Avi winked at her and she blushed immediately. 

"Psh, yeah right, you wish." 

They both broke out into laughter before Ben and Carmen called them over. The set was made to look like a party was going on on the roof top of a building. The roof top look was already there, due to it being the spot where Kirstie was just singing and dancing, previously in her video. A few extras were sitting on a step near the edge, and a few others were standing on an "X" that was scattered throughout the set. Ben explained that he wanted Kirstie to be sitting on the edge directly across from where the door was supposed to be. She would be singing a verse of the song, and Avi would walk in, making his way to where a few of his "friends" would be somewhere near where she would be. 

"For now we just want to see how this is going to look for a few of the background storyline scenes. We most likely won't get to the kiss until the end of the week." Carmen explained. He guided Kirstie and Avi to where they were supposed to be, an "X" right on their spot. 

"Alright, Kirst, you know what to do. Avi, just pretend to walk through a door, kind of look around at your surroundings and then make your way to where extra numbers 34 and 35 are." Ben said. The extras waved at Avi, showing him where they were so he knew where to go. 

"Okay, we're gonna give this shot, we'll call action and then we'll tell you, Avi, when to move okay?" 
Avi motioned a thumbs-up to Ben and got ready. 

"Alright guys let's do this! Water by Kirstin Maldonado, take one, scene two, A marker, and action!" 

The introduction measures of the song had already been decided on being just shots of Kirstie and the setting of the video. Suddenly, the lights dimmed and blue lights and fog turned on. The extras started dancing and Kirstie started to lip-sing her lyrics.

'It's ten past two, still up thinking of you.'

Camera pans to Kirstie

'If I showed you all I really want to, would you stay, dare push me away?' 

Camera zooms in on Kirstie

'I just can't return anymore' 

"Avi! Do your thing!" Ben exclaimed. 

Camera pans to the back of the party, people dancing and Avi entering the scene. 

'Timid heart, hide my scars' 

Camera pans up and down Avi's body, then returns back to Kirstie

'Make me stronger! I can't take this any longer I need, I need you like water!'

Avi's eyes scan the room and then head over to where extra numbers 34 and 35 are. 

Camera pans to Avi's feet, following them as he walks

'It's on the tip of my tongue, not asking for much.'

Camera zooms out on Avi, but follows him to his mark

'Just your love and not another, cause your embrace keeps me warmer. Could I tell you this time? How I wish-'

Camera pans back to Kirstie

'You were mine?'

"AND CUT! Great start guys!" Ben says. The extras stop dancing, the lights return and the fog stops. "Great job Avi, first day on the job and it was like nothing for you!" He chuckles, and walks over to where Ben and Carmen are. 

"Not my first job Ben, I know how to act." Avi says, laughing. Kirstie joins Avi and Ben. "Great job Avi." She says, smiling at him. 

"Thanks, you too. I already heard some of the song already but it really is catchy now that I've heard more of it. Your fans will love it." 

"Alright guys, that's a wrap on day one! Same time tomorrow. If we keep this pace up the kissing scene could come as soon as Wednesday! Get some sleep!" A video producer shouted. Avi and Kirstie glanced at each other at that statement and both noticed a blush forming on each other's cheeks. 

"See you tomorrow then?"

"I guess so" 


Hehe, kiss is coming quick ;)
Hope you enjoyed! XOXO 

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