Chapter 1: The beginning

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Hey guys that might or might not read this, i'm new so sorry if its not good but oh well hope you enjoy :).
           I woke up to my alarm going off for the third time this morning, so I decided finally I should get up. I looked at my new Iphone 8  that I got for my birthday, I decided I should do my streaks before I got completely up. I got up half awake to go take a shower, I showered and got dressed. I was wearing black tank top and leggings and a plaid shirt to go on the leggings, also I had black Tim's on and a little bit of makeup on. I looked pretty good, oh and almost  forgot my crescent moon necklace my mom gave to me. I hear my dad say "GET YOUR BLACK ASS DOWN HERE!!!" I hurry up so I don't get in trouble...again. 

"hi dad," I say quietly, "how was your sleep?"

"Good, how was yours princess?" He says back.

"Great," I say "okay dad ima go to school now I don't want to be late" I said going for the door. But he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back, I got scared for a little bit.

"Without a hug goodbye?" Dad questions.

"Oh sorry." I went to hug him, raced out the door, and got into my car and headed to my school.

Ughhh why am i so nervous? its just the first day of senior year, your absolutely alone,  you have no money, and oh yeah I don't have anything together in my life, I have to start all over again and that sucks. I thought to my self walking into the ordinary high school in Los Angeles. As I was wonder the halls I bump into a big ass Latino, and he was beautiful. He had a jawline carved by the gods, his eyes was as bright and beautiful as the ocean, and let's just say his muscles was like he works out 3x a day, he was perfect. Just the kind of I would fall for.
"Whoa, sorry." He says, and picked up my stuff that fell along the way.
"Oh. Oh shit thanks." I say nervously and took my stuff back and smiled.
But the way he looked at me i mean the way he looks though...... NO Jaida we aren't doing this, this year. We are focusing on school cause the last school you went to didn't go too well. Not this time! Well I'll try at least.

"Well thanks, again." I say and walked away.
But I never will forget about him, he was the first person I talked to, oh well.

I went to the office and got my schedule and saw my first period was math. Huh cool math one of the things I was good at and I guess it'll be okay.

     Sorry I cut it short the others will be longer;) Thanks for reading my shit.

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