First Day

148 3 0

Word count 587

Your point of view but it's not your name it's her if you know what I mean.

All I remember is being in confined in this little box and a sting on my forehead I try to open my eyes but I can't they're just so heavy I just want to go to sleep. When I tried to go to sleep I hear all this commotion and then suddenly gets really bright. I can't see what's going on my head starts to hurt.
"What is the new Greenie look like?" says somebody above me
"It's a girl" says someone with a strange voice "I think she's hurt there's a lot of blood around her someone go get the med jacks hurry! Don't just stand around lollygagging you shuck heads."
"Help me please" I asked him in a very quiet whispery voice too scared to talk too loud in fear of anyone else hearing me
"It's okay you're going to be fine you just got a little cut on your forehead my name is Newt you're in the Glade nothing's going to happen. Where are the shucking idiots"
Then everything goes black my last thought is what is shuck?


Newt POV
"Bloody hell what do we do Minho why would they send a girl here? What are they thinking sending a girl to the Glade with like 30 + boys" I tell one of my best friends
" I don't know how did she get that cut on her head though the Clint said all they had to do is put like three stitches in it so she should be okay" said Minho
We're standing in middle of the med Jack's cabin when we hear her whisper.


Your POV
I open my eyes and ask "Are you the boy with the strange voice that helped me." two boys one with dirty blonde hair and another one with black hair looks at me weird and I just gave them a confused look
" I don't know if I have a strange voice but yeah I did help you earlier do you know your name or do you even remember mine?"He asked me
" I remember your name Mr. Newt but but I can't why can't I remember mine?" I asked him he gives a little giggle whenever I say Mr. Newt
"Your name will come back to you in a few days so thats ok and you don't have to say Mr. Im probably not much older or younger than you are so just call me newt and this here dark haired friend of mine his name is Minho" says Newt
"Hello Minho" I say to him
"Hey beautiful" says Minho Newt looks at him horrified at what he just said I just look at him and give a little blush I don't remember anyone ever calling me beautiful granted I don't remember anything at all but it was still sweet.
"Well we better go to let you get some rest I'll come back tomorrow to give you the tour of the Glade and introduce you to everyone so for tonight you can just stay here in the Med Jacks goodnight green bean"say Newt
I just smile and wave and say goodnight to the two boys leaving.

Hello I'm sorry if it's bad 😁 I just wanted to write something that I've been looking for you know like "If you can't find it write it" right lol
And read DAY 2 before DAY 2 CELEBRATIONS

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