Day 3 Explanation

85 2 1

Word count 609

Your POV

I woke up on a relatively comfortable bed, but I did not want to wake up newt so I didn't move to get up. It was so quiet in the room it took me a good 5 minutes to realize that he was not in here. As I was getting up Chuck knocked on the door and came in saying.
"Hey Taylor Newt told me to wake you up." Chuck says "He also has asked me to escort you to the council Hall."
"Oh thank you Chuck. Umm can I have a change of clothes" I asked him?
"Yeah here Newt said to wear this it's his clothes because we did not get any girl clothes for you. Sorry." He said while leaving the room.
I blush while thinking. "I have to wear newts clothes" so I get dressed in his clothes that smell just like him I kind of like the smell."Wait calm down we just met don't get over my head" Just as I got done changing someone knocked on the door it was Chuck.
"Come on Taylor Alby does does not like to be kept waiting." Chuck told me
"What I want to meet Alby?" I ask "right now?"
"Yes right now come on hurry." said Chuck. We walked to the council Hall and I see Newt and a man with him. I assume he's Alby when I look at Newt he give me a weird look that makes me a little nervous. Then Alby and Newt start explaining the Glade to me which I'm still a little confused about.


Newts POV
She walks in and I get a rush of satisfaction seeing her in my clothes. "Why am I thinking this we just met 3 days ago. She was unconscious for one of them. Bloody hell bad newt stop"
" Newt care to talk to Taylor about the job she can get?" Alby asked while walking out of the Hut "I just have to ask Minho and Thomas something about the maze"
"Yes sir" I said to him while turning to Taylor."So Taylor we have 5 jobs the slicers, builders, med Jacks, farmers and the runners. The slicers just cut the meat from animals for food and the"
"Wait you all kill the animals here?" She asked me in a nervous manner "Can I not do that please?"
"Well we do take your interests when we look at your skills but we also have the builders to build the huts. Gally is The keeper of the builders. The Med Jacks they are like doctors and nurses Clint the keeper of the med jacks would love to have you. Then we have the farmers I'm the keeper the farmer and it's self-explanatory we just farm vegetables and stuff. Finally we have the runners . They go into the maze and run it." I say while watching for her reaction.
"What's in the maze?" She asked
"It could be our only way out but there is a creature out there we call the Griever and it is has killed so many of us."I say sadly


Your POV
"I'm sorry Newt that you lost so many friends." I say while looking into his brown eyes.
"Anyway so have you thought of a job that you might want to do." Newt asks me.
"I kind of like the med jacks or even a farmer." I say smiling at him.


There is chapter 4. I'll try to post on every even day. Sooo I hope you liked it and wow over 50 reads I saw that I jumped for joy!

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