4th Reason

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   "Come on the ice Thomas." The older man calls out, at the young boy edging near the entrance of the ice rink. See the thing here is that Thomas is unbelievably terrified of this, and James knows it. So that's why he quickly skates over, and stands beside him. "I'm not cut out for this man." Thomas whines, leaving James to cover his mouth as he laughs. "Come on. Take my hand or something." He offers his hand as the boy takes it gingerly.

    He watches the man, and his sparkling green eyes, and his straightened black hair . "Why do you straighten your hair, James?" Thomas inquires, slowly getting the hang of this skating thing. "I'm more comfortable that way, sometimes I don't straighten it." He shrugs, watching Thomas carefully. Everything is perfect. Too perfect. The lights slowly fade, so all around you see the flashing of white lights, blue lights, even pink lights.

They even have music! Thomas is literally ecstatic while James skates smiling at the younger boy, who's enthusiasm radiates throughout him. He spins the boy, who looks at him in terror, but he laughs, which honestly is what really counts. "How are you good at this don't leave me." "James this is ama-" all James can do is watch in horror as the boy goes limp, falling to the ground. The boy's pulse is slow, and he's barely breathing. "Someone call an ambulance!" He yells, picking Thomas up, and skating towards the exit which isn't that far. He sets him down, but he's not waking up.

Panicking is the only thing he's good for in this situation, as the medics arrive, taking both him and a shocked James into the ambulance. As he walks through the parking lot, in shock, he knows what happened. Thomas you didn't eat enough did you... Thomas you didn't eat at all. Honestly he feels so stupid for not doing anything, because in that moment, for almost the month he's lived with him, he should've known. He went to fucking school for this stuff.

   Thomas starts to wake up, his terrified eyes meeting with one's of sadness from James. "I seriously messed up this time." Thomas cries in the now dead silent ambulance. "We need to start a fluid IV, and a nutrient ASAP." James hears a medic explain, as they quickly put an IV in Thomas, who squeezes James's hand tightly, nearly crushing his fingers. "It's all gonna be okay." James comforts the now crying boy, because it doesn't take much for you to realize at this point, Thomas will be hospitalized for an eating disorder. While James sits and hopes it's a hospital he works at. He's lead out into the emergency waiting room, and yes this is the hospital he works at now so he's partially thankful.

   So he sits there anxiously, for what seems like days, hoping to be called back. He fidgets nervously, biting his nails to the bed. "James you can come back now." He practically runs back with the nurse. He reaches the room and sees Thomas laying there with an NG tube. "Thomas why didn't you tell me or something?" James cries out in despair. Thomas looks up at him, fiddling with the tube in his nose. "I wanted you to not see me the way that I saw myself." He croaks, tears forming at his eyes. He feels like shit. He ruined their date. "Oh my god, Thomas." James sits on the edge of his bed, wary of the IV.

His heart barely beating at 80 bpm, his body is shutting down. As James sits there, he gently runs his hand through Thomas's hair. Being careful not to pull at any knots as that would startle him. "Thomas I should've known sooner, you have an eating disorder it's a problem." The only response Thomas gives is a while of protest. "Only girls get those." He snaps, and James knows he hit a sore spot.

   "Guys get them also. It doesn't matter your gender, or anything it's a chemical imbalance in the brain, and it's a problem. You need help." Thomas just glares at the wall. He knows he has a problem, but he's not gonna admit it. "I wanna go home." He sighs. "The program is good I swear." James smiles, still not convincing Thomas at all. "From a patient or a psychiatrist perspective?" He responds coolly, James recoiling slightly at the coldness in his voice. "From the person that made the damn program, I say pretty damn good."

As James goes to get up, he's met with pleading eyes of Thomas, "Stay with me, please."

  James sits down as a doctor comes in to check on the nourishment. He mumbles something about how he'll post pictures of James being affectionate around the office. "David, keep laughing, I'm friends with your boss." He calls to the doctor, Thomas giving a slight snicker. The doctor leaves in a hush of papers, with James laughing.

   POV James
The younger boy looks at me fondly, as I hug him gently. That's when the tears come back, forget about tears, I mean sobs. Ones that I sit there, rubbing his back, telling him everything is gonna be okay. "Kocham Cię." I whisper softly, repeating that over and over. He doesn't know Polish, but at least it is comforting. As his sobs slowly fade, his breathing slows, as I lay him onto his bed.

   "Congrats on being the first person in over a year I wanted to hold on to." I mumble awkwardly, as I don't know what to say. Well at least in English. "Please just don't die." Is what I manage, as he tumbles through sleep. "Kocham Cię, mała naleśnik."


  Kocham Cię: I love you
  Mała naleśnik: little pancake
Kocham Cię, mała naleśnik: I love you little pancake

  (Its in Polish)

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