Chapter Two

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I woke the next morning and slowly went down stairs. The house was quiet and I found Sarah in the kitchen.

"Hey Maree, the kids are at school and Michael has gone to the shop. How did you sleep?"

"I slept really well thank you. Your bed is really comfy."

Sarah laughed.

"My mum always had trouble getting me out of bed in the morning."

She placed a cup of coffee in front of me and I took a sip of the creamy, hot liquid. I closed my eyes and savoured the taste of the coffee, it had always been my favourite drink.

"I suppose I better start looking for some where else to stay, you are probably really busy."

Sarah spun around looking shocked.

"I would love for you to stay here, we obviously have the room and I would love some help setting up for weddings. Mum wants to get away at some point and with you here helping it means that she can. Would you be up for the task?"

"I guess I can stick around and help out. It's so nice and quiet out here."

Sarah snorted.

"You haven't been here with the kids around. I could live in Buckingham palace and would still be able to hear them."

We looked out the window across the nice mowed lawn and I looked back to see Sarah staring at me.

"So why did you go to Kip's last night? Why not come here?"

Sarah knew Kip and I liked each other, well that I liked Kip. She had seen it from the moment we met in the workshop, two days after she met Michael.

"He makes me feel safe. I knew that Kent would come after me and I didn't want to come here with the kids around."

"Fair enough, I'm pretty sure Kip was happy you went to his place as well."

I looked up at her to see a stupid smile on her face.

"Please don't tease me about this Sarah, Kip isn't going to want me, I'm damaged goods. He deserves someone who isn't messed up."

Sarah rolled her eyes and leant back against the bench.

"I'm not teasing and Kip loves you, I can see it every time he looks at you, we have all known it for a while. He told me last night before we left that he feels guilty about not stopping Kent. I told him that we knew nothing about what was going on behind closed doors. But its over now and eventually you will work out if you are meant to be together."

Sarah paused and looked up at the monitor in the corner of the kitchen, I hadn't noticed it before but there was a camera covering every corner of the yard. I looked at the one facing the driveway to see Kip riding down, I found myself grinning as I watched him get off his bike. He removed his helmet and placed it on his seat. Sarah's voice pulled me from my trance.

"Did you seriously just moan?"

I blushed and shrugged.

"I don't know?"

Sarah went to say something but Kip walked into the room. The air was filled with static as Kip walked over to me.

"How are you feeling today?"

His chocolate brown eyes stared down at me and I got lost in his gaze, it took me a while to realise he asked me a question.

"I'm feeling a lot better today; thank you."

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