Chapter Eight

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The day of Michael's funeral started with Carol cooking everyone breakfast. The guys all camped in the ballroom the night before and Sarah and I stayed in her bed. We walked into the kitchen to find 5 guys in boxer shorts and tee shirts. We stopped in the doorway.

"Did we just walk into a dream?"

Sarah pinched me and I flinched.

"Nope, this is real. Michael used to hate it when I made comments on how hot the guys were. God I miss him."

Sarah and I fanned our faces and Kip rolled his eyes at me.

"You girls right there?"

"Yep, the view is great from here."

Sarah nudged me and she took the remaining seat at the table. I went over and sat on Kip's lap.

"Did you have a good sleep in your nice comfy bed?"

"Yeah, Sarah and I experimented a little and then slept naked in each others arms."

Wrench spat out his food and coughed.

"I told you we should have broken up the party last night. God damn it Badger."

I felt Kip's erection beneath my leg as I stole a piece of bacon off his plate. Sarah put her hand on Wrench's huge arm.

"She is just joking Wrench, you didn't miss out on anything. If we do happen to become lovers I will tell you first."

Sarah's kids walked into the room and a couple of the boys moved for them to sit down and have breakfast. Little Emily sat next to Kip, she was only 5 years old but she had every single guy in that room wrapped around her little finger, I figured she was going to have a hard time finding a boyfriend when she got older.

"If anyone wants one of my magical hugs today I'm happy to share them. I want to sit next to Uncle Wrench today, he will need me to look after him."

We looked over at Wrench and he was struggling to hold it together. Emily sighed.

"He's already started, it's going to be a long day."

We burst into laughter and Wrench shook his head.

"You are going to have your hands full with that one young Sarah."

The banter was interrupted when Pres walked into the room. Sarah stiffened and looked ready to fight. He put his hand up to quieten her.

"Relax Sarah, I've left her at the hotel. She's coming to the funeral but has promised me she won't do anything. You won't even know she is there."

Sarah rolled her eyes and kept on eating, I could tell she was biting her tongue. As much as she hated Rachel she was as much apart of Michael's life as we all are.

The boys went and cleaned up the ballroom and set it up for the wake while Sarah and I went upstairs to get ready. I sat on her massive bed next to Michael's leathers that were laid out. She came out of the wardrobe holding two black shirts.

"I think we should wear these, they were Michael's favourites."

We pulled them over our heads and they swam on us, we both put on short skirts and tied the shirts up at the side. Sarah walked over to the mirror.

"Michael would have loved this outfit. He used to get this look in his eye when I would wear something for the first time. Usually it would be torn off and I would be screaming his name. It doesn't even feel real that he has gone, I still wait to hear his bike ride up the drive way and for him to walk in the door."

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