Chapter Twelve

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I walked in to a lounge room full of men. All with various cuts and bruises. Wrench looked the worst, dried blood caked his upper lip and his nose had moved a little bit more to the right and ballooned, an obvious sign it was broken. He sat in the chair with a blood stained tea towel in one hand and a beer in another.

Chaos and Spud sat on the couch, Chaos had a split under his eye and his arm was grazed, Spud's eye was black and swollen closed, he was holding an icepack to his eye. Kip walked out of the kitchen and my heart stopped for a second. He had a fat lip and was limping. I walked over to him and gave him a hug. I kissed him on the good side of his mouth.

"Are you sure you are ok?"

"I've walked away worse than this from fights. I'm just tired."

I helped him pass around the glasses of whiskey he had poured for everyone and then we went into the bedroom. As I shut the door he lay down on the bed.

"I'm tired Maree, I don't know if I could go on fighting and being on the edge all the time, I feel like it's getting too close to you losing me. All it takes is one knife that we didn't know about or a gun shot from far away. I can't do that to you."

I sat down on the bed and Kip curled up against me with his head in my chest.

"Will they let you leave?"

"I'm not sure, the problem is, both of us have no where else to go. I don't know how to do anything else."

Wrench pounding on the door woke me up, I was still in the same position with Kip wrapped around me.

"Are you decent?"

"Yeah, I am."

Wrench opened the door and walked in.

"We are going to head back to the clubhouse now, Sarah is home and we want to see her. Is everything all right with Badger?"

I looked down to see if he was still asleep and then back up at Wrench.

"I'm not sure."

Tears welled in my eyes and Wrench shrugged.

"It happens to us all. We get sick of the constant fighting and looking over our shoulders. But once you leave you realise that there is no where else you want to be. Michael told us he wanted to leave the night he met Sarah, but then that girl turned the club on its head and gave Michael a reason to stay."

Kip started to stir and I looked down at him.

"Thank you Wrench, we will be out there soon."

He nodded and left, I heard the bikes start up and Kip pushed himself off me.

"Fuck my head hurts. Are they going back to the club?"

"Yeah, Sarah and Simon are home now so they are going to see her and help out. Do you want to go?"

Kip looked at his colours on the end of the bed and sighed.

"I can't leave, maybe you and I need to go on a dirty weekend somewhere."

He slid his hand under my shirt but then both our phones started ringing, his was Spud and mine was Wrench. We answered at the same time "We are coming." We hung up and left.

Pulling up at Sarah's we went inside and everyone's voices led us to the lounge room. Sarah was sitting on the couch with her feet resting on Wrench's knees, Simon was on the floor surrounded by his siblings and the rest of the club was scattered around the place. Kip and I took our usual space on the floor, me resting up against his chest, in between his legs. Emily came over and sat in front of me.

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