The Boy In My Pocket (*Sigh* More Fluff)

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Here is a sweet little one shot since I can't finish the other 29 that I'm already 3/4 of the way into.

I'm not even going to edit this chapter. Sorry I'm not sorry. I'd never get it out to you If I did edit it

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"Have you ever seen such a beautiful human in all your life?" I asked my friends, drooling over a small black and white picture I found on the sidewalk earlier that day.

"Stop being so gross, bro. For all you know that guy is eighty and has grand children by now," One of my best friends, Hercules Mulligan, snickered.

"Let the boy dream, Mon Ami," My other best friend, Lafayette, chimed in.

I just ignored them and continued to gaze at the photo of the young boy. He looked a little younger than us in the photo, but Herc was right. Who knows how long ago this photo was taken. It was in black and white after all.

"I've never felt like this before," I whispered, desperately gripping unto the shirt like I was holding on to save my life.

I finally adverted my gaze from the photo to my friends. "Am I weird for liking a guy?" I whispered.

"Don't sweat it, Bro. We still like you just the same," Hercules reassured me a warm smile.

I love them both so much. They were always there for me and accepted me for me. I could never ask for better friends than that.

The days went on and I always kept the picture of the boy in my pocket or my night stand. Even though the boy and I have never met, he meant so much to me. It was crazy how much a single picture could change your life.

Soon, we were out of middle school and my friends and I moved on to attempting high school.

I know It was crazy, but I never felt the same way for anyone like I did that boy I kept in my pocket everyday.

However, I did meet someone that I did end up falling for. He was a very charming person with a very bright personality. I slowly fell in love with him, but the boy in my pocket was never forgotten.

The days melted by and soon turned into months

Francis Kinloch, the man I loved very much, dumped me because he was a senior and I was a "dumb junior." He had "stuff to focus on for his bright future" and apparently I wasn't important enough to be in that bright future of his. It hurt. It was a terrible pain.

It felt like someone slowly cut me open that tampered with my heat while I slowly bled to death. Then, right before I was about to die, my heart was complete ripped out, chopped up, ran over, and burned. Yeah, It was painful.

But, I got over it adventually. Only with the help of my friends, picture-boy, and lots of Ben and Jerry's ice cream.

"Johnny? Are you okay?" Peggy Schuyler, My best friend, asked as she entered my bed room door slowly and peaked in.

"I-I'm fine," I answered. I was just staring at the boy in the photo again.

She came in, Lafayette close behind her.

"Mom Ami, you should really get rid of that photo," Laf whispered.

I looked at him, shocked. He knows how much this photo meant to me. This guy in the photo was one of the only people who hasn't hurt me yet.

"He's right, John. You're comparing everyone you meet to some perfect photo of a guy. I know he's 'your first love or whatever' but you need to let go," Peggy sighed. She clearly knew that what she said might damage me, but she was right.

I nodded slowly and with a deep breath, I buried the photo in an old memory box.

"Thanks, guys," I chuckled a little.

It was super silly that I carried that picture around everywhere anyway. Almost creepy. Imagine someone having a random photo of me in their pocket 24/7.

My life continued form there on out.

Soon, Collage came. It was scary, but my friends and I all managed to make it to the same one. Lafayette, Hercules, Eliza, and I.

Angelica was already going to a different collage and Peggy was still a year behind us so she had to wait a little longer.

The day I arrived at collage changed my life.

I met Alexander Hamilton. A short, beautiful boy with dark chocolate eyes and a messy ponytail. I felt sparked with him.

I was afraid to fall in love again, but I already kind of face-planted in the pool of love.

"I've never been so In love since I found that photo," I gushed to my friends.

"You literally met him like three days ago, Johnny." Hercules pointed out.

"That doesn't change how I feel," I shot back, looking towards the sky.

Once again, the days folded into weeks and the weeks into months.

I finally worked up enough courage to ask him out.

To my surprise, he agreed.

Once again, I felt myself fall madly in love with him. I hated when I did that, but I couldn't control my feelings.

Months folded into the years and years folded into...more years?

Alexander and I stayed together through thicc and thin. To the point, where he even proposed to me after collage.

Obviously, I agreed and we got married.

Life as absolutely great. We couldn't of been happier.

We moved into our first home. It was the perfect size and life was great.

I was unpacking stuff when-

"Hey, John, come here for a second," I heard Alex's voice call from the other room.

I entered to see him holding a picture in his hands. The picture. The boy who stayed in my pocket through out most of middle and high school.

"Wha- explain," He whispered, looking at the photo. He looked almost upset.

But, I sighed a Happy sigh and took the photo from his hands.

"Found this on the sidewalk on the way to school one day in sixth grade. Totally fell in love with he guy. First love, actually. I know, cheesy right? Falling in love with a guy from a photo- a guy you never even met. Anyway, he stayed in my pocket during the day and on my nightstand at night. He was with me everyday and I mean everyday. Until- after I broke up with my first boyfriend. My friends said it was best if I let go of a picture of some guy that I placed my idea of the perfect boyfriend around. So, I slipped into my memory box and it's been there ever since. This guys was probably one of the most important people in my life even though I've never met him," I admitted.

His disapproving frown quickly turned into a goofy smile.

"What?" I asked with a laugh.

"Jonny, that's a picture of me," He told me with excitement.

My jaw fell open.

I just sat there in complete disbelief for a moment.

I married the boy I found as the perfect boyfriend.

My first love.

The boy in my pocket.

I threw my arms around Alex and planted a kiss right on his lips.

"I've been waiting to tell that boy in the photo that I loved him forever. Now, I'm married to him."

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