2 - Olivia

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2 - Olivia

I bent down as I had to clean down to the very last spot of the big window wall of the front of the store, just like my boss had required me to do so. It was a quite tiresome task. The constant thriving pain in my back could hold up for it. The annoying pop song that I had heard too many times before in the past couple of weeks got me rolling my eyes and gritting my teeth every five seconds. I mean, it had been very catchy and cool the first twenty times I had heard it, I had even downloaded it to my phone, but having to hear it so many times per day was getting to my nerves.

The fact that I could literally feel the eyes on my back, more like my bottom, did not necessarily add to make my day nice. It only added to my frustration with life, with everything, for that matter. I straightened myself up and took a deep breath before saying anything. I did not want to go to jail for murdering several people. I was not sure I wanted to lose the job either. It only meant more free time that I would have to spend at my house.

"Can I help you?" I grunted to the obnoxious and stupid horny boys that stood in front of me. Well, I had a group of them clustered to the front of the store, on the other side of the window panel staring at my boobs –they were not even that big, so what the hell they were looking at beats me- and the ones that were inside the store, pretending to shop while raking at my bottom and legs. How creepy were they? Let me answer that, way too much.

They could not be over fourteen years old, all of them. There was probably one or two that were fifteen and were the leaders of the groups, perverts. That did not mean they were not all perverts, though, and that infuriated me. Was it so damn hard to keep it inside your pants?!

I could be able to handle this if it were only ever so often, you know, casual, just a couple of times a month or something. But, having to deal with this fucking shit every single day was what caused me to go home and scream at the top of my lungs onto my pillow and wake up my a sore throat.

It was not as if my mother would even notice if I screamed or that I woke up without a voice. To her, I never had a voice anymore. The people that called themselves my friends –they only wanted people to see them with me so that they could be invited to every single party there was- could not even sense the shakiness or hoarseness in my voice. What was worse of all, though, was the disgusting Pre-Calculus teacher who indiscreetly flirted with me. He was so gross. No one believed I passed the class because I had brains, and that offended me greatly.

At the moment, though, the worse thing was the job. This job would be the death of me, I was not even kidding. I was so sick of it and everything it implied –like having to deal with that stupid ass woman that called herself my boss and a human being-, but I needed the money. This was the only thing that got my mind off everything that was wrong.

To think that after this I had to go to the stupid ballet lessons to hear how fat I had gotten since the last time, which was a weekend before, was the least I needed at the moment. It only added to my despair and distress.

It was as if everyone was watching me, telling me what was wrong with me, trying to make me perfect. But that was it: I was tired of having to be perfect. What was wrong with having flaws?!

I squirmed uncomfortably inside my bikini and cursed this goddamn job in my mind yet once again. I had lost the count of how many times I had cursed it. That did not seem to even be noticed by the disgusting boys in front of me, as they only continued to stare at my body as if I was a mannequin that would not feel offended or anything. I turned around and glared at the ones that were inside the store, only earning their stares to grow more intense. I groaned quietly and turned around, knowing if I tried to punch them in the face I would get fired.

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