Chapter 1: Secret

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"But you guys.."

"Steven no! I don't want you involve in this!" Pearl shouted as she, Garnet, and Amethyst head to the warp pad.

"I'm a crystal gem too you know! I did lots of things that saved us all!" Steven says.

"Steven, this mission is too risky to bring you. We don't want to lose you. That is why you have to stay here." Garnet pats his shoulder.

"Yeah Steven! If you're bored you could just hang out with Connie or Peridot and Lapis." Amethyst suggests.

"But we never do anything together! We never hang out."

"We don't "hang out" because we have important things to do. We are the crystal gems! We are made to protect this planet, not be fooling around." Pearl tells him. Steven only looked down in response. Pearl let out a deep sigh.

"We'll be back before sunset. Don't worry." Pearl says.

"Take care Steven." 

"Bye Steven!!" Amethyst shouted as they all warped off. Steven groaned in annoyance. Why don't the crystal gems trust him or hide things from him. He is the son of Rose Quartz for gem sake!

Steven walked towards the counter and grabbed his phone. He quickly dialed Connie's phone number and called her.


"Hey Connie. The Crystal Gems left me alone here for a mission I'm not allowed to come on. You want to hang out?" He asks.

"Sorry Steven. I have tennis practice today. Then my mom has to run errands today and-"

"Yeah that's what I thought." Steven hung up before she could finish. Steven knew Connie was nearly busy everyday. He sighed as he sat in front of his TV watching crying breakfast friends.

He sat in front of the TV what felt like an hour, before he heard the warp pad sound. He quickly glanced down and saw that Pearl and others were back.

"Steven we're back!" Pearl called out.

"So, how was the mission?" Steven asked.

"That's classified." Garnet simply says.

"Oh come on! What is it that I can't know about!?" Steven suddenly snapped. The three gems eyes widen as they stared at him.

"Steven it's not a big of a deal." Amethyst says.

"It is to a big of a deal! You guys keep hiding things from me! I know Pink Diamond was shattered by my mom and I know about the Diamonds! So what are you hiding from me, that I shouldn't know!?" Steven snapped.

"Steven, that's enough!" Garnet says angrily.

"NO!" He shouted.

"Steven that is it! You are grounded from TV for ten thousand years!" Pearl angrily says. Steven's eyes widen in shock.

"You guys are the worst! I wish I wasn't part of the Crystal Gems!" Steven said as angrily stormed off to the warp pad and warped somewhere. He could of sworn he heard someone call out of him, but he ignored it.

Steven teleports to the barn and sighed as he sat on a haystack.

"Hey Steven!!" Steven heard a familiar voice calling out to him. He looked up and saw Peridot and Lapis walking over to him.

"Oh, hey guys!" 

"What are you doing here alone in this haystack?" Peridot asks,

"Nothing, I sort of ran away from the gems." He nervously laughed.

"Why? Were they being clods like always again?"

"I never really liked them." Lapis added.

"Yeah well they wouldn't tell me anything about the mission they were on. They keep hiding things from me even after the fact I know mom shattered Pink Diamond!"

"Why would they hide things from you? You're like, the son of Rose Quartz!" Peridot says.

"Yeah! They even grounded me from TV for ten thousands years!"

"Wow, that's really low." Lapis said.

"Ugh! I know! I just wish they just, told me everything." Steven sighed.

"Well, you can watch TV here with me and Lapis if you can't watch anything in the temple." Peridot suggests.

"Thanks guys, but it's getting kinda late. I'm gonna go back to the temple and get some sleep." He said as began to walk to the warp pad.

"Alright! See ya Steven!"


Steven warped back to the temple. He signed in relief as he saw that none of the gems were there. He went to the bathroom and quickly brushed his teeth. He exited the bathroom and headed towards his bed. He noticed that his TV in front of him was gone. Steven growled in frustration and slammed his head on the bed.

"I just wish the gems would treat me better. I wish everyone would." Steven said to himself quietly. Suddenly, Steven felt his gem beginning to glow.

"Ugh, what now?" Steven asked, tiredly. He slowly got up and followed where the gem was glowing to. He walked downstairs and his gem lead him to a cupboard door.

"What's this?" He asked himself. He has never seen that around in the temple before. Maybe it was a secret the gems were trying to keep. Steven was curious so he decided to open the cupboard door. The door slowly opens and reveals a secret passage to another door on the other side.

"Woah!" Steven gasped. He began to crawl into the small passage and towards the door. Once he entered the door, he looked around and notice he was back at the temple.

"I'm back, here?" He asked himself. He heard a familiar voice humming near him. He recognized that as Pearl's voice. He squinted towards the kitchen and saw Pearl mixing something in a bowl. Steven was confused, because Pearl doesn't cook. Plus it was like in the middle of the night, so why was Pearl cooking something?

"Pearl? What are you doing here in the middle of the night?" Steven asked. "Pearl" quickly turned around and smiled at Steven.

"You're just in time for supper Steven!" She said cheerfully.

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