The First Feeling of The Devils Son

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Chapter one. 

I stared at my scarred wrist. I had carved shapes into it. Those lines stood for each day that I couldn’t take it. This would be the last. I was wearing my best dress. Why not look pretty when I die?

I picked up my blade and stared at the letter I had place on my desk. Eric would know when he read it. I was going to be with Joey. I clenched my teeth and sliced across my wrist, cutting the vein. I sliced at my neck. The world went black. 

I woke up to the smell of blood and lilac. I was in a hospital room. "Crap. It didn't work." I said, not realizing I said it. "It almost did." a male voice, I didn't recognize said from the shadows. He came into sight. Dark jeans and a black tee shirt. Scruffy black hair and pale skin. There was one other thing that he had. Dark black wings with burn marks. 


The... Demon? Angel? I didn't know what to call it, stepped towards me. "Melina. You weren't meant to die. Let me explain this. I, call me Luke, transport souls from their living bodies. When someone attempts to go before their time, which doesn't happen as often as you think, I watch over them. You are one of these cases. I will watch over you." he, Luke, said, "Now sleep." 

He pressed his large hand onto my forehead and I blacked out for the second time. 

I awoke to the beeping of machines. My brother was standing over me. "She’s awake!" he yelled out the door. He turned to me, "Melina. WHAT WERE YOU THINKING? WHY DID YOU DO THIS?" he yelled.

 At that point the doctor walked in. "Now, give her a minute."

"She doesn’t need a minute. She needs to explain." Eric said, pacing. 

I sat myself up in the bed. "The explanation is that I am sick of this world. Everyday is a struggle. Everyone at school hates me and throws things at me, all because three years ago, Jeremy cheated on me. My mother hates me. I haven't talked to dad in five years. It was all manageable when Joey was here, but now the only good part of my life is gone. That's your goddämned explanation."

The doctor stepped in, " Miss Harris. We are going to put you and medication. You are also going to have to see a therapist. You have a serious case of depression." this broke me. 

"I don't want medication. I don't want someone who is paid to say, 'dear, it will be okay.' I don't want any of that. All I want is to be with Joey." I whispered, tears streaming down my face. 

"Melina, we know that you miss him, but we can't do anything about that." Eric said, taking my hand. I was silent. I didn't want to speak anymore. The rest of the day was testing and prescriptions. They sent in a therapist, but I didn't speak. When night came, I fell into a deep sleep. 

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