Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

            That notebook held my dreams. Luke now was holding them and knew them. I nestled into his surprisingly warm arms. He pulled the covers up over the both of us. I felt myself drift off back into sleep.

            My dream was vivid, as always. I was in the woods, the same woods that were behind my house. The air was thick and reeked of death. The smell was a mix of burning hair, blood, and sweat. I turned around, trying to find the source of the smell. I quickly found it. A pile of flesh and fur was going up in flames. A pack of wolves encircled it. My stomach lurched as I realized who was pouring the gas on the dead bodies. The figure lit a match and flicked it onto the pile. He turned and I saw Joey’s face. I screamed silently. A raspy voice omitted from the body that wasn’t quite Joey’s.

            “You failed. For that, you shall suffer.”

            I turned and ran, fear surging through my body. Flames shot up in front of me. My body was engulfed and I shrieked, the world turning black.

            I shot up in bed, breathing heavily. I was coated in sweat. Luke was sitting up in the corner, watching me like a hawk. He slowly rose and walked towards me.

            “Hey. You okay?”

            I couldn’t speak. I shook my head in reply, and turned away. I felt a weight settle on the bed next to me. He wrapped his arm around me and I felt a chill flow through me.


            “Uh… Yeah.”

            “Tell me. I’m here for you.”

            “I don’t want to talk about it… Please just leave me alone.”

            I pulled my shoulders away and walked into my bathroom. I fumbled through my drawers until I found what I was looking for. My old razor was in the spot where I left it. I set it on the counter and started to run water into the tub. After it was full, I striped down and got in, letting the warm water wash over me.

            I took the blade down and looked at it. I dragged it across my wrist, opening up my old scars. I hissed as the cut started to sting at the contact with air. The blood started to mix with the water. I didn’t care. I had failed Joey. I wasn’t with him, where I should be. I made a few more lines of blood form. I felt sleepier and sleepier as the blood trickled down….

(Lukes POV)

            The door wouldn’t open. I was worried. She wasn’t answering my yells. Eric burst in the door.

            “What’s going on?”

            “She had a nightmare and went in there. She won’t open the door.”

            “Shit. I’ll go grab the key.”


            I ran my hands through my hair. I failed as a guardian. Why was the universes plan so messed up? Eric returned with the key.

            “Go get some gauze. This happens all to often.”


            I ran to the hall bathroom and pulled the gauze out from the cabinet. I walked back into her room to find Eric holding her, while she was crying.

            “I know love. Everything will turn out alright.”

            “I just don’t fucking get it.”

            “I know.”

            “Uh.. I got the gauze.”

            “Thanks Luke. I’m sorry.”

            “It’s okay. Eric, I can handle it.”


            I pulled up her soft pajama sleeves to see the fresh cuts. I wrapped the gauze around and put some tape on the end. She put her head on my chest. I wrapped my arms around her. I never wanted to let her go. The world would hurt her more.

            “I’m so sorry Luke. I’m just so messed up and I can’t control it. I miss him so much.”

            “It’s okay love, I don’t mind. I just don’t want you hurt anymore. I care about you.”


            She lifted up her head to look at me. I nodded. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying so much. With good reason. I bent down and kissed her cheek.


So, I haven't updated in a while and I might not be able to update much coming up. I'm going back to school on the 6th, but I'll try to write as much as possible in the next few weeks. Thanks for being patient about the updates! Love You!


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