Fantasy: Mythical Beasts & Creatures

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                                   Mythical Beasts & Creatures List

 1) Abiku – among the Yoruba and Dahomey people in West Africa, these are evil tree spirits that are born as children and die several times, often within the same family. I could be wrong, but I think Odganje are basically the same thing.

2) Angels – They show up in Judaism, Islam, Christianity, Sikhism, and other traditions of belief.

3) Bakru – these little gnome-like people in Suriname are half flesh and half wood. They will do your dirty work for you if you enter into a pact with them — which is a terrible idea.

4) Banshee – if you're about to die, this Irish female spirit will show up to wail at you. The Slavic are pretty much the same thing.

5) Barghests – giant demonic dogs with huge teeth and claws who live in northern England. One shows up when you're about to die. Some creatures like this are simply referred to as Black Dogs.

6) Basilisks – these reptiles can kill a person with a single glance. Sometimes people call them cockatrices.

7) Brownies– in England and Scotland, these are little people who are loyal to human households and will sometimes help out with the chores. You don't want to make them mad, though. Harry Potter fans, take note: a dobbie or dobie is a kind of brownie, and an angry brownie can turn into a boggart.

8) Btsan– the btsan are fierce sky spirits in Tibet that look like red hunters riding red horses.

9) Centerus– a three-headed dog that guards the door of the Underworld in Greek mythology.

10) Chimera– this monstrous beast of ancient Greece has the body and head of a lion, a goat's head sticking out of its back, a set of goat-udders just for fun, and a serpentine tail.

11) Changling– many European countries have stories about the fairies or trolls stealing human babies and leaving sickly or malignant magical babies in their place. These myths have some similarities with the Abiku, above.

12)  Cloud People/ Shiwanna –  In Pueblo Native American traditions, these are supernatural beings from the underworld who bring rainfall.

13) Co-Hon – in Vietnam, these are the spirits of people who died a violent death and weren't buried with ceremony. They bring bad luck to people who pass by them unless they are appeased.

14) Coraniaid – the Coraniaid are Welsh dwarves with very sharp hearing who are immune to weapons. They use fairy money, which looks legit but soon turns into toadstools.

15) Cwn Annwn – Welsh hellhounds. They're white with red ears, and gather up souls and drag them to hell.

16) Daemons– (also spelled daimons.) These not the same thing as demons. In ancient Greek mythology, they were helpful spirit guides, similar to guardian angels.

17) Demons – obviously you know about these guys. Variations of them appear in ancient near East religions, Judaism, Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, and other faiths.

18) Dodore – these are little people in the Solomon Islands have one eye, one leg, and long red hair, and they don't seem to be friendly.

19) Djinn – these are supernatural beings of Arabian mythology who can be conjured up for aid. However, they are malicious tricksters and shapeshifters. There are a few different classes of djinn, including the afrit (also spelled ifrit), who are large beings made out of smoke.

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