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An Introduction to World-building Tips and Guides

            If you write primarily in fantasy for sci-fi, then the idea of world-building is most likely not new to you at all. Either you have heard the term before or have already dabbled in the art. However, if you have not heard of this before and you are looking into this out of simple curiosity. then let me do the courtesy to explaining. 

            World-building is a process that a writer will undertake in an effort to flesh out details about their novel and its background to enrichen their work. You see this a lot in games like The Elder Scrolls or The Witcher. Some popular novels that also have a lot of world-building done behind the pages are Lord of the Rings and Game of Throne/A Song of Ice and Fire. 

            World-building can be as simple as establishing extra details about an urban town for your latest urban fantasy, or as complex as creating a whole world with many civilizations. The limit of world-building is nonexistent and the only constraint you will ever face is what you are willing to consider or able to imagine. 

            That said, let's go over what this novel can do for you. If you would like to just dabble in the art or dive deep into the realm of possibilities, this collection of guides and tips are for you! Each guide posted in this collection is a recommendation. Therefore, if you do not wish to go over a detail listed or would rather just take bits and parts, you are free to do so! It is a tool for you!

            Now, there are going to be topics I will not have a guide for. In these cases, I will do my best to outline a list of tips and advice for you to use. This can be linked to other sources that can help or just a general list of my personal thoughts. Some of these tips will also be sourced from other works. Therefore, you can be rest assured that just because there is not an outline or a guide, you will still learn something useful. 

            Now, with all that said, I do not want to be misleading in my efforts here. If you choose to read on and engross yourself into the task before you, please be warned, this is not to be taken lightly. If you can sit there and jot down only the details you need for your novel and leave the rest blank, then more power to you. However, if you are looking to go the full mile or extra mile and work out as much as you can, be warned, this is going to take time and effort. 

            Be prepared to spend several hours a day or week working out the details and building your worlds. Obviously, the less time you have in a week to work, the longer it will take over a larger length of time. The important thing to note here is that whatever you do, your time is not wasted. There are many things you can do with a fully constructed world. and I will address those in another chapter, The Practical Uses of World-Building

            So, now with all that covered, let's take our first steps into this art and see what our minds can cook up shall we? 


            Looking forward to what this novel has to offer? Great, because now there is more! Starting October of 2019, I have begun making and releasing video tutorials on the chapters of this novel. In these videos, I discuss the chapters, present ideas on what you can do with the material, and show potential by creating something with the tutorial presented. Not sure how to navigate the YouTube channel? Don't worry! Each video that corresponds with a given chapter/chapters will be linked in each chapter. The end of each chapter will include a short description of where to find the link for your convenience. 

            Please be aware this is a new channel and uploads are not yet on a consistent set date as I am also working a full-time job. Starting January of 2020, this will change as I start school and due to school hours, free up time I would otherwise spend working. Additionally, I do not edit my videos myself, and therefore some delays will be on my editor's end. While updates may not be frequent, I can at least promise quality videos that take a deep professional dive into the art of world-building and I would like you to join me!

Channel Name: Unspoken_Uprising
Link: At the end of each chapter, above the comments section, you will find a box labeled EXTERNAL LINK. Clicking this in any chapter will immediately direct you to the corresponding video. 

Worldbuilder Tips and GuidesWhere stories live. Discover now