four: Getting Closer

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"Good morning! I brought breakfast for you." Jin holds up the tupperware he's holding with full excitement.

I start to yawn, covering my mouth since I have manners. "It's freaking early for school, fool. What's with that breakfast thing, though?"

"Because I know you've only been eating slices of bread for breakfast. Can you even cook? Is there any girl who can't cook? And do you think eating only those is healthy?" He says and glares at me after rolling my eyes at his dad-like attitude.

"You know, I can't cook. I don't have much tine in the morning to go eat healthy breakfast so I just settle with bread. Sorry, dad." I sarcastically say.

If I want to save my house from being on fire, I probably shouldn't cook. I'm also pretty sure that two slices of bread taste better than the food I cook. This actually tears me up. I love food so much that it lightens up my mood, but I couldn't even make one.

He clicks his tongue in disappointment. "I don't like girls that can't cook." He sighs in disappointment, he crosses his arm in disappointment, even the way he looks at me is with pure disappointment.

"Well, guess what? I don't like guys who judge girls that can't cook. Hello? Is cooking the only skill in the world? How about singing? Dancing? Screw you." I yell at him before slamming the door.

I'm talented, I swear. I can go from being the happiest girl in the world to being really annoyed that I want to stab anyone real quick.

Every morning went like this. Jin being in my front door to give me breakfast, arguing about our differences, and being stared at by everyone at school.

At first I found it really annoying but I got used to it as the time goes by. I got used to him following me around, breaking into my house, and feeding me food. At least I could save time, money, and food with him.

It doesn't mean I'm treating him as my sugar neighbor though, I just hate wasting time on someone that has nothing to do with me.

"I've been feeding my whine baby for a week straight. Are we friends now?" He asks again.

I almost forgot to mention this thing. He literally asks me this question everyday. The fact that I actually spare some of my attention to him is already considered as friendship right?

"Nope." I joked, popping the P.

I don't even want to punch him whenever he pouts upon hearing my answer anymore.

He continues to strum his guitar, learning the chords he currently likes. The sea looks amazingly well that it makes me forget about the world. Sitting on the sand, he begins humming the song along his guitar.

"Sing." I muttered.

He cleared his throat. "I don't have much confidence with my voice."

I started to laugh. "Is this a miracle? There's actually something that you're not confident with? That's strange."

He rolled his eyes.

"Maybe I, I can never fly
I can’t fly like the flower petals over there
Or as though I have wings
Maybe I, I can’t touch the sky
Still, I want to stretch my hand out
I want to run, just a bit more.."

It was really deep that I got goosebumps everywhere. I watched every detail of his face as he sings and the movement of his fingers as he strums the guitar. He's actually talented.

It's kind of strange yet good at the same time that everytime we're together, I always discover new things about him that somewhat impress me. He may look goofy and childish but when you try to see through him, he's actually more than that.

I was startled when he snaps me out of my thoughts. "Am I that really good? 'Cause it made you speechless."

Whatever situation he's in, he doesn't forget to show how high his confidence is.

"I was about to praise your soulful voice but since you're so proud of yourself already, there's no need." I smirked.

A smile appeared on his face.

"Really? That's good to hear. How about you, don't you have any talent? You can't cook, you can't control your anger, at least you can sing or play instruments, right?" He asked, counting the things I'm not capable of doing with his fingers.

"Play any song for me, I'll sing along." I confidently say.

He starts to play a familiar song as I try to figure out its lyrics. I sighed, cleared my throat, and started to sing along.

"...I miss you
When I say that I miss you more-"

I faced him looking confused when he suddenly stopped playing his guitar. "What?"

He just shaked his head and started to play again. "I-I forgot the chords for a second." He stuttered between the sound his guitar makes. "Continue."

"..I miss you
When I say that
I miss you more
Even though I’m looking at your photo
I still miss you
Time is so cruel
I hate how things go between us
Now seeing each other for once is
So hard between us
It’s all winter here
Even in August, it’s all winter here
Time is gone by mind
Like a snowpiercer, I was left alone
I wanna hold your hand
And go to the other side of the earth
Wanna put an end this winter
How much do I have to long for you like snow piles up on the ground
Until the spring days come?

Like a tiny dust that floats in the air
Like a tiny dust
If the flying snow is me
I could've reached you
A little faster

Snowflakes are falling
And you are getting farther away
I miss you
I miss you
How much more do I have to wait?
How many more days do I have to stay up all nights?
Until I can see you?
Until I can meet you?"



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