Chapter 9

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Hey just thought you should know in this story there timetable for school goes 1 then 2 and so on which means, Monday, Wednesday and Friday have one timetable and Tuesday and Thursday are another.

His timetable goes like this

Monday, Wednesday and Friday: Gym then History them break then English then Science then free period.

Tuesday and Thursday: Maths, Latin then break. Art, free then luch and last is Foods.

Today in the story is Wednesday.


Caine's P.O.V

I was now sitting in History, probably one of my most favourite classes. Not because I liked learning about history but because most of the people we are taught about were werewolves themselves. Like Abraham Lincoln. He was not only the president of the United States but he also was the leader of all werewolves’ in the U.S.A at the time. Funny how things turned out.

Anyway Harry, Nick, Cassie, Melanie and Jono are also in the class. Looking at Harry I notice he has a black eye. I come to the conclusion that Derek gave that to him and laugh. This makes him look to me and glare. I laugh even harder, just because Harry's glare makes him look like a cat. I don't know how, it just does. 

Looking at the clock I notice I only have five minutes of class left. Quickly but quietly I pick up my things and get ready to go. The bell rings not long after and I run out of that room knowing Harry would run after me and demand answers for this morning. I don't make it to far though because Derek was waiting by the door. He sticks his arm out and stops me.

"Uh what do you want? Want to see me make out with Harry again? Ae?" I say rudely trying to push past him. I don't really want to be rude but I have to stick with my plan.

"What you did back there Caine was stupid. If you knew better you wouldn't have done that because now I'm angry and you wouldn't like me when I'm angry." Derek growls and honestly it makes my wolf whimper. Not wanting him to know how scared I got, I ignore him and push past heading outside for some fresh air.

I meet up with Cam and wait for the others to arrive as I left before them.

 The first question I get is from Cassie though.

“So Caine, WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU LIKED WHATEVER HIS NAME WAS? I thought we told each other everything" she says, well yells, pouting.

Laughing I reply “Cassie I don't like HARRY. I just tripped. You know how clumsy I am." 

Mel buts in and says “Yeah right. You totally kissed him on purpose. But it wasn't because you liked Harry was it?"

"Oh Mel. You know me so well. And no I won’t tell you why."

The rest of break is them trying to get me to tell them why. 


School was pretty normal. If you consider me avoiding Derek, Harry and Lucas and there other two friends normal. Walking home I feel refreshed. The forest is like home to me. It's my home away from home. I'm in my element. It has water, air, earth and fire to surround me. The fire being made from the warm, humid air that always seems to be present in certain parts of the forest.

Step after step after step. My feet start to hover with little tornadoes under my feet to keep me afloat. I am nearly home when I hear a crunch. The tornadoes disappear as I whip around to see what it was. I look but found nothing so I carry on. A minute later I hear another crunch and whip around manipulating the mud to trap whatever it was that made the noise.

It turns out to be Derek. I sigh and bring him forward.

"Am I so amazing you just can't help but follow me? I mean if I could follow me everywhere I would because look at me I'm just so damn irresistible." I say sarcastically trying to piss him of.

“Oh babe. Your face may be hot but I'm hotter. Wait did I say your hot. I meant you should probably wipe that trash off your face. Oh yeah that trash is your face." He says with a very annoying and arrogant smirk on his face.

My face turns red and I squeeze him tightly until he is gasping for air.   

"You want to say that again Pretty boy. Remember I'm the Elemental here not you. As much as you want to be." 

"Oh Pretty boy is it now? I like it. How about I call you Trash? It fits you perfectly. Anyway my Dad wants you to come over for dinner. As my mate. You can't say no. He is an Alpha and one who gets extremely pissed off if you don't follow his orders." He practically orders me with a look that makes me want to cut his breathing supply off.

“You know what. I would love to meet your family. What a wonderful experience it will be." I release him from the mud as walk away from him while hearing him growl.


I am so sorry. I had no internet until yesterday and I had no idea what to write and this chapter is really stupid. I want to redo it but I'm too lazy and really need to update. Oh I am so sorry. 

You can rant at me all you want to. I will take it like a man. Well a woMAN. 

This was such a horrible chapter and I feel extremely disappointed in myself about it. BUT it will get better. I know what I am going to do in the next two chapters; I just have to write them out. 

The real adventure starts soon so please don't leave this book behind. 

I also want to know if you would like this to be a short story or a long book. I was thinking of doing it as a short story as I completely suck at writing really good books but if you guys want I can try and make it as good of a long book as possible.

Thanks and enjoy. Or not because I would totally understand if you didn't.




Thank you again.

The difficult life of Caine Mckay (werewolf-boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now