31 - The Pretty Nurse

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Chapter 31

The guys each took a turn hugging me. Chelsea was gone and came back.

"Here Jackie I had this extra shirt in my car. You might need it." she said. I looked at my shirt, Chris had ripped it completely. It showed my pink lace bra. I thanked her and I put it over my ripped shirt, the guys turned away turning red. A nurse came in and took me to a room to treat my injuries. Before she came, Kendall went to the restroom. James, Carlos, and Chelsea followed, I sat on the bed and the nurse began cleaning my cuts.

"My name is Emma, and I'm really sorry if this stings a little." she said. She was probably Kendall's age, she had long brown hair, short and she was skinny,

Emma left and the guys and Chelsea found a place to sit. Kendall walked in and sat on the chair next to the bed.

"Thank you guys so much. If you hadn't came in Chris would have gotten away with it." I said.

Kendall started talking, Emma walked in again, Kendall hadn't looked up to look at her.

"It's no problem, your like our little baby sister, and Logan's gf. It's the least that we can do, that is to protect you." Kendall said, James and Carlos agreed with him. It was then that Kendall looked at Emma and, you guessed it love at first sight. He looked at her with eyes of tenderness and careness. Emma smiled at Kendall, and she too was mesmerized with Kendall. She turned to me said she'd be back to check up on me. She placed her look on Kendall again. She walked out of the room and Chelsea got up to leave for work.I thanked her for her help and the shirt. She said it was no problem and walked out.

"Wow, that was wierd, but moving on Kendall's has a crush on the pretty nurse." James teased. Kendall smiled and slouched on the chair.

"So what if I do?" he said. We all took turns to pick on him a little.

"If you do you might want to do something about it" Carlos said I nodded.

When he heard Emma come in he sat up straight. She asked the guys to leave do she could examine me. When Kendall stood up and started to walk he tripped on the IV stand, but he managed not to fall. Emma saw and walked them out the door and closed it. I could hear James and Carlos burst out laughing, and Kendall told them to shut up. Emma walked over to me and giggled softly, as did I.

"Please excuse Kendall, he's kinda clumsy when he sees a pretty girl." I said I saw her blush.

"Oh no, it's okay ma'am, it happens. Oh and thanks for the complement." she said, she began to examine me and told I was going to have bruises from Chris' tight grip. After she was done she asked if I had any questions, I nodded.

"Would you like to go out on a date with Kendall, and please call me by my name Jackie." I said smiling. She smiled and blushed.

"So would you?" I asked again.

"Honestly, I would not like it I'd love it. I've been a huge fan of Kendall." she said helping me up from the bed.

"Great then it's settled your my friend now and if you give me your number I'll give it to Kendall so he could give you a call." I said taking out my phone, she hesitated for a moment but then gave me her number. I stored it in my phone and told me I was free to go with the boys.

"Thanks Jackie for doing this. I really like Kendall." she said opening the door for me.

"Your welcome Emma, I'm sure Kendall likes you too." I replied back. She stayed behind to put away everything in order.

I walked to the waiting room, and sat next to Kendall.

"Guess who got you a date with the pretty nurse?" I said in a singsong. Kendall smiled widely.

"You're kidding, are you serious? Thank you so much." he said hugging me carefully since I had bruises. I passed him her number.

"So dude now that you have her a number you should call her." James said. Kendall nodded. It was around nine pm when the Dr. came out, he told us to go home. Logan would be fine. I hesitated a little. I didn't want to leave him alone.

We went to eat an inside out burger, then headed home. We got to the apartment, when Carlos suggested I should stay over in Logan's room. I accepted since I didn't want to be alone, without Logan. I went to my place to change clothes. I went back to the other apartment. I said goodnight to the guys and went to bed. I took off my necklace and placed it in a jewelry box I found in his room. I guess that's what they gave the necklace in to him. I put the necklace in the lower drawer of the lamp stand. I went to bed crying quietly about Logan.

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