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His hand hurt. His eyes still burned. His body was sore. But most of all his heart was damaged. The first time he had let anyone into his life, and he had been betrayed. It went beyond the mere surface and cut into his being. Perhaps it was a wound that could never be healed. But it's message was loud and clear; Trust no one.

Talon was looking for him. The one that had done this to him; left him for dead with barely a second thought. His former friend and comrade. Kavyn.

He wasn't exactly sure why he wanted to find the boy, nor what he would do when he did. Perhaps to tie up a loose end. Maybe to reconcile. Or just pure revenge.

Whatever the case, he was currently wandering the various alleys on the prowl. He doubted that he would find him in this manner, but it was the only option for now until he picked up Kavyn's trail.

Passing a few dingy shops on his left, he picked up on an interesting conversation two men are having by a storefront in overly loud voices.

"Just outta nowhere he pulls out dis huge bag of coins to pay." Exclaims the short, hefty man sporting a large bald head.

The other, a skinny man with a nasally voice chimed in, "He bought sweets from me shop as well. Mind you, the missus was 'appy enough for some gold. But it was right shady it was, a boy of that age and all, havin all that money. Ain't right."

"Unnatural for sure. Smelt fishy." The first man commented.

Containing his joy at hearing about Kavyn, Talon moves towards the two men.

"Excuse me," he begins in as official tone as he could muster, "I could not help but overhear your conversation regarding a certain boy."

The two men eye him suspiciously, as if waiting for him to attempt some sort of crime.


What's it to ya?" Asks the burly one.

"Well you see, he's an associate of mine and I'm looking for him." Talon admitted. "And I was wondering if you could point me in his direction."

This time the sweets salesman replied, "I dun see why we should elp you."

"Well, it seems my friend already gave you some business."

"A service for a service in my opinion," grinned the thin man. "But this's a different matta."

Talon took some time to think of how to get the information he needed. He had no money to bribe them. Nothing to barter. Nor could he kill them right in the populated street, if he even could that is. If only he had some of the gold from last night. But only Kavyn had it….

"I'll tell you what," Talon said with a smile, "If I find my friend, I can guarantee his continued dealings with you two."

The two men looked at one another before nodding, content with that deal. After all, they could only gain from it.

The large man spoke for the pair, "Make sure he does."

"Oh, don't worry, he will. For the rest of his life."

The Donkey's Ass. It sure looked that way. A dingy doorway led into a leaning two storied inn. The debilitated structure looked ready to fall apart at any moment and the windows had no glass. Talon could smell the stale ale and stink of sweaty bodies all the way across the street. An ass of a place indeed.

He was currently staking out the place the merchants had directed him to from an alley of the opposite side of the street. So far he had seen no sign of the boy. But this was his only lead so far and he planned on using it. Sighing, he took a seat in the shadows of the buildings, planning on a long wait.

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