A Party Fit For Kings

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"I still don't understand why I must go."

"Because it is a showcase," Marcus explained, an exasperated edge creeping into his voice, "All of the Noxian leadership will put their top soldiers on display. It's a way to assert power and gain favor among generals."

The pair were in the General's office a week after Talon returned from the mission. Routine and training had already been implemented back into his life. And yet, here was an implement he wanted no part of.

"And yet I am neither a soldier, nor a puppet," Talon ground out.

"Based on my station, I have to make an appearance." Here the General gave a grin, "And since I am going to suffer. So are you. Besides you will have Katarina to keep you company."

Although this did quell some of Talon's foreboding, it was only by a fraction, "She will be required to interact with the other nobility though.

Something he wanted to avoid."

"Nevertheless, I am sure you would rather shadow her than I." It was true, General Du Couteau would be purposefully talking with the nobles, while at least Katarina would be attempting to avoid the brunt of the tedious conversation.

Well just one question was left then, "Is there a dress code?"

Never before had Talon seen so many gleaming dresses, such a large buffet, or so much exotic entertainment arrayed in a single place. He had also never seen quite so large a quantity of makeup, a wanton waste of food, or a huge sum out of the citizens of Noxus pockets.

So this is Noxus at it's highest level of revel. Jugglers, fire mages, acrobats, dancers, and a whole assortment of other entertainers all performed their acts to a barely attentive crowd. Alcohol was pouring in from kegs and being carried by servants to saturate the rich. And the only thing worse than sober nobles, were drunk nobles. Giving an already powerful man a drink to lower his already small inhibitions, he thinks he's the Grand General.

But by far the most central piece of the party was the women. They were lounging on chairs, propped up on the walls, or already hanging off an officials arm. And apparently they would do just about anything to get with the rich in an attempt to get a large tip. Already, Talon had to ward off four such women.

Katarina had been forced to ditch him some time ago after being confronted by some acquaintances, much to her dismay, as she gave Talon a frown before departing. Every once in a while, she would catch his eye and make a face. He had to smirk at her each time. Her, a top

Noxian assassin, one who would dance in the blood of her foes, cringing in the company of her 'peers'.

After another hour of stalking the banquet hall, Talon decided to find a seat somewhere. Sitting in the darkest and most remote corner he can find, which isn't dark or remote in the slightest, he pulls his hood over his head and silently watches the party.

He can easily identify the other 'top' soldiers. Some he knows by name, others he knows by reputation. Darius and Draven sit at another table. Quite the opposites, that pair. Draven a vain glorious fanatic guzzling down wine; Darius, arms folded, scornfully admonishing his brother. Both Swain's pets.

Morgana was present, rubbing shoulders with high society. Though she was her own agent, she had connections with many of High

Command. Others, such as Sion and Urgot would not be welcome at such an event due to their...conditions. Talon almost wished he had such a condition right now.



Talon was startled out of his watching. He turned to find the source of the disturbance. Sitting across from him at the table was none other than another of Noxus's finest: Riven. He nodded back his greeting. He couldn't help but notice her usual attire was replaced by a low cut shoulderless dress. It was a sparkling green that matched her vivid eyes. Her hair, instead of the usual knotted bun style, was pulled down to either side of her face, creating a white curtain around her face.

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