"Loosing? Pfft, Not Me!"

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Warning: this chapter is introducing the character y/n and her teammates.

A large grin played on the girl's lips as she stared at the male across from her. She was only flashed a small smirk, a knowing grin.

"You can do it!"

"We have faith in you y/n-chan! Believe it!"

"Does she seriously think she is going to win?"

Comments were being cheered towards the two genin ninjas. Though only one peeked the girl's interest. The single negative comment that had been thrown in her direction.

'Does she seriously think she is going to win?' Those words are the ones that caused the playful grin on y/n's lips to vanish. In replace of a villainous frown that caused Shikamaru to sweat drop by his opponents sudden change of attitude.

The various ninja in training remained calling out and hooting. The game board that was set up in the middle of Iruka's desk was quite captivating. The girl only had two pieces remaining on the board while Shikamaru had five.

"Why don't you give up already? I've got you beaten." The Nara boy stared smugly and stared into the daring eyes of the scowling female.

"Because giving up is for losers Shikamaru, giving up is more of an embarrassment then loosing to a dweeb like you."

⇘Present Day⇙

"Ugh..." the young female groaned as she blinked her eyes open. She felt arms around her waist, this caused her to remember last night's events. The girl refrained from mumbling cusses as she maneuvered herself out of the the boy's grip.

Once she was loose she sat at the foot of the bed. She stared at the brown haired male, who she knew she'd have to let down at some point.

Everything was the same with this specific male. He expected more then what she could give him. Kiba Inuzuka expected a lover not a one night stand.

Y/n stood up and walked towards her closet. Getting ready to start her day, wanting to meet up with her teammates on time. But y/n highly doubted that she was going to make it to lunch on time. She never really did though.

Once she was fully dressed and ready to leave it was already eleven thirty in the morning. Giving her half an hour until lunch.

Y/n sighed and stood at the counter in the kitchen, writing out a note for Kiba when he woke up.

'Hey dog boy, sorry for leaving gotta meet up with the team. See ya, remember to lock up or I'll screw you up :D


That was before y/n headed out the door, leaving a pair of keys on the table (beside the note). She knew he was going to return them at one point, oh yeah they've been through this before.

Walking down the street, y/n shoved her hands into her pockets. Eyes peering around her lazily as she moved one foot in front of another.
The girl was tired and sore, but she hid it well. This made her very good at what she does, hiding things is what she does with ease.

Little did she expect gleaming green eyes watching her. Hiding around the corner she was heading towards. That was until a male jumped in front of her, causing her to sweat drop.

"What's wrong with you Kadan?" Y/n stared at the male who now had comical anime tears pouring down his face.

"N-nothing y/n-chan! Why didn't I scare you this time?!" He asked and hung his head, sitting on the dirt road beneath the two.

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