Lingering Words

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Y/n bit her lip as her feet carried her down the streets. Her gaze was harsh against the ground as she walked towards the ramen stand. All she could do was remember Kiba's words from the night before.

Once the ramen stand was in sight, y/n looked down at her dress. She fixed the dark material. The dress reached just above her knees, it was a nice dark red. It suited her well.

Y/n looked ahead, the sky was different shades of orange and blue. She was anxious but excited for her date with Shikamaru. The whole day she found it hard to stop talking about. Y/n had been hanging out with Naruto and Sakura that day. So they were naturally he only people who knew, besides Kiba of course.

As she walked towards the shop Kiba's words played in her head. It wasn't only that she was feeling down about it, but she felt an urge to prove him wrong. (I have a reader that is like... In love with Kiba. Sorry 'bout that dude!)

Y/n entered the ramen shop, her gaze moving across the chairs and kitchen. She smiled as she walked into the restaurant and moved towards the Nara boy. He was wearing something casual yet neat at the same time. He wore a simple white button up shirt and black pants.

As y/n walked towards him she decided to stop behind him. She held her eyes closed as she waited for the male to notice her (dazzling) presence. As he turned around, a smirk grew onto his lips.

"How troublesome... you look nice." He complimented as his gaze moved up and down y/n's body. This caused a small smirk to form on her lips as she struck a goofy pose.

"As always!" Y/n stated and took a seat beside the boy. She rested her elbows into the counter and glanced in his direction. A small smile grew onto her lips "you look nice too."

"Thanks." Shikamaru thanked and looked away, his cheeks turning a simple red. Y/n chuckled and looked away, her eyes closing. She thought his reaction was very cute.

"What are you having?" She asked curiously and raised an eyebrow. Y/n wanted to know what he was having, she'd most likely just get the same. This caused the male to hum in acknowledgement.

"Um... I might get a miso ramen, and you?" Shikamaru questioned and stood up to pull out a chair for the standing girl. This made her smile and comply, sitting on the chair. Y/n's cheeks turned a dark pink at the kind gesture.

"T-thanks Shikamaru, and I'll have the same as you." Y/n answered, she didn't really have a preference over the flavours. This made a small smile grow onto the Nara boy's features. He pushed her chair in and let his body remain behind her for a few minutes.

He walked back to his seat, sitting down shortly after her. He leaned against the seat and let a satisfied sigh escape his throat. Shikamaru thought the scents wafting through the air was very pleasant. The girl he sat beside also noticed this and smiled brightly. Shikamaru had no idea of how much she was enjoying this already.

"So what did you do today..?" Shikamaru questioned as he waited for their service. A laze smile adored his lips as he awaited the reply. His eyes were studying every feature, from the way your lips curled into a smile to the way you crossed your legs when you sat.

"Well, I hung out with Naruto and Sakura today. For once we didn't do much though." Y/n remembered how Sakura and herself basically excluded Naruto to talk about the date. Which Naruto didn't mind, he wasn't interested in all that 'boy talk.' Unless it was him they were talking about, but it was obvious it was Shikamaru.

"And you? Shikamaaaru" Y/n questioned playfully and looked over to the smiling male. This made his cheeks turn a light pink as he tilted his head in a different direction so she couldn't see it easily anymore.

"Well, I went over to Chouji's house and well... erm..." his cheeks became and even darker red. "It was hard to stop thinking about tonight... how troublesome..." Shikamaru was completely embarrassed by his own words.

This caused a light chuckle to admit from y/n's throat. She looked down as her cheeks started to turn a crimson as well. "If it makes you feel any better... I find that kinda adorable..." she looked over to the embarrassed Nara. Little luck for him, when his blush started to die down she just had to say that!

This caused his cheeks to change colour again and turn a bright pink. 'This is going to be a troublesome night...' Shikamaru thought and swallowed the lump in his throat. Though he was quite happy he got to spend time with the smiling female.

Y/n grinned as she watched the old man walk towards them with their ramen. "It looks so good..." y/n sighed out in content, which caused Shikamaru to chuckle. He grabbed the two small rods of wood and snapped them apart. Thus sounding out a light crack, which didn't compare to the sound of bustling activity in the background.

Y/n followed his actions and started to eat her food as well. Once the delicious noodles hit her tongue she grinned even wider then before. It's been a while since she had ramen, and this was a nice feeling and great taste of course.

"Does it taste good?" Shikamaru asked, hoping it was all good. In which he was answered with a short hum of delight. Once y/n pulled away she found herself done. This caused her cheeks to heat up from embarrassment. Sheepish giggles and low chuckles were heard from the couple.

That was until y/n felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned her head to be met with the eyes she loathed to face. They were a curious green, an almost mocking glint in them.

"Y/n! What are you doing HERE? ALONE with HIM?" The new male questioned loudly, an evil smile forming onto his lips as he did so. This caused the said girl to basically choke on her own saliva.

Swallowing the lump in her throat, Y/n turned her body to be face with her comrade. Once she noticed his evil smirk she glared daggers at him. She was so not preparing for this... what was she going to do?! It's not like she could escape while Shikamaru ate his ramen! (That would be rude!)

Sorry for the short chapter! But what do you think Reader will do? Beats me! Vote and comment my dudes!

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