Red Velvet (Reaction)

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red velvet reaction to y/n coming out to them

➵ red velvet reaction to y/n coming out to them

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would be very supportive, holding you close as she tells you verything is alright

"i will always support you, never forget that. okay, y/n?"

 okay, y/n?"

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this baby would be so proud of you, almost tearing up and would give you a bear hug while softly whispering words of encouragement to you

"you're so brave, y/n!"

"you're so brave, y/n!"

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her mom side would come through. she would be really happy you shared something so personal with her

"i'm flattered you trust me enough to tell me something like that"

"i'm flattered you trust me enough to tell me something like that"

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really smug about it. would joke around a lot
(only if you're comfortable about it though)

"took ya long enough, i knew you weren't straight since the minute i first saw you"

"took ya long enough, i knew you weren't straight since the minute i first saw you"

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would be really surprised(and would try to hide it hehehe) but would also find it cute that you both have something in common

"you're part of the lgbtq+ community? really? me too."


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(next; Sana Oneshot)

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