Momo (Twice)

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Genre: fluff!!!, soulmate!au

➵ Requested: yessSs

Warnings: none this is just pure fluff and it's written in 2nd person rip

Title: We've never met, but can we have a coffee or something?

➵ Title: We've never met, but can we have a coffee or something?

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soulmate au where the very first words your soulmate says to you are tattooed somewhere on your body.

You knew that skipping school just to visit a new cafe that recently opened was a terrible idea. Did that stop you? No, of course not. Instead, you decided to sneak out of chemistry with Mr. Hyun and took the first bus to the center of the city.

The said cafe was called "Blush".
A friend had recommended you go there because not only is the coffee good, but the people who work there are too. Not too shocking coming from Dahyun, though.

And just like that, six bus stops and a five minute walk later, you were right outside the cafe. Unbelievably, you were nervous. You hadn't had a single sip of coffee yet but your heart was racing out of your chest.

You never liked places you could order from, not atleast since you realized what your soulmate tattoo really meant.
"Hi, what can I get you?"
Was the most basic phrase you've ever heard. But everytime you hear it slip from someone's lips your heart would panic.

When you try to reply with a smart remark and see that their eyes remain blank, because of course, they're not your soulmate.
Still, you soon overcame whatever feelings you had and opnened the purple tinted glass door.

What you saw next surprised you.
The name "blush" reminded you of rosy cheeks and flowers but cafe itself was the exact opposite.
Purple walls decorated with lilac bookshelves were brought to your attention as soon as you entered.

While slight confusion was still ocupying your senses, you didn't notice the lavender haired girl waiting to ask for your order.

Her voice sent chills down your spine when she asked,
"Hi, what can I get you?"

And you were too shocked so you just replied with,

"Why the fuck is everything purple?"

The lavander haired girl smiled at you
while taking a piece of paper and scribbled her number on it.

"Hi, I'm Momo. And God have I waited for someone to finally ask me that" she chuckled before showing you her tattooed wrist.

 And God have I waited for someone to finally ask me that" she chuckled before showing you her tattooed wrist

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