The first year

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Me and Kousei were happily married and we were in Japan for a break on our tour. We stepped into his old home. It seem so different I guess its because I got older. We walked into the house and sat our bags down I wanted to go see my parents the next day. I missed them. Kousei went into the piano room. He played a beautiful song for me. I fell asleep listening to it.

I woke up the next morning i then woke Kousei up with a gentle kiss on the lips. He loved that. He stared at me and put his arm around me. "Morning Angel" he said smiling "Morning bae" I said leaning into kiss him again. He smiled and I moved so he could get out. With no warning a wave of nausea hit me and I scampered hoping I would make it to the bathroom in time. Of course I didn't and ended up puking in the sink. Kousei came and rubbed my back. Holding my hair back for me he was supportive like that. I rinsed my mouth out. Coughing and feeling dizzy again. I just felt like crawling into my bed and sleeping all day. "I have the flu", I told Kousei. "I don't know Angel but we have to go visit your parents there expecting us."     
I got out of bed and changed out of my pajamas. When I was done I was hit by another wave of nausea and puked in the sink again."I can't deal with this I have the flu"I said in agony. "I don't know but I'm gonna take you to the doctor." Kousei said "OK" I said.

We went to the doctors and he diagnosed me. "Pregnant" I said "Are you serious?!" I said practically screaming "Are you screwing with me because its not funny?!" I said still yelling. Kousei looked like he was about to faint. I shot him an evil look. "Bad Kousei Bad how dare I let you take advantage of me? Bad Kousei Bad!" I said and Kousei just stood there. "You know there are always other options such as an abortion" the doctor said "Why would I want an abortion I love Kousei and this is his child why would I kill it. It's part me and part him. Unique. I'm having it. No one can stop me." The doctor held his hands up in a whoa Nelly jester "Just a thought Mrs.Arima you can come back in 2 wks to hear the heartbeat." "OK" I said "We'll be there"

Kousei dealt with my attitude best he could. Whenever I was craving something he left to go get it. He was supportive. When I was was having morning sickness he held my hair back. When I was tired he let me sleep. About 2 months later our fantasy started looking real. I could see a slight curve in my abdomen. Kousei loved to put his hands on my stomach and feel the heartbeat of our baby. Our gift from God. As I called it.

7 months later on April 22nd our 5 pounds 6 ounces chubby baby girl was born. We named her Harmony for she brought much harmony to our life. Harmony was fussy especially at night. Kousei was on the day shift so I was up at night. But let's face it she kept us both up. I sat holding her trying desperately trying to get her to stop crying. She cried and cried until she wore herself out. I crawled into bed,with Harmony in my arms,I watched her sleep,I watched her breathe she was beautiful,she had the prettiest blue eyes like Kousei's. She held onto my thumb. She slept and I got up to put her in her crib. I set her down gently and sat in my rocking chair which my mom gave to me. When she started crying I picked her up and gave her a slightly warm bottle. She sat there looking at me as she drank her bottle. Kousei woke up and came up behind me. I was talking to her saying how she was gonna be a little heartbreaker when she got older. I told her how she was the best surprise I've ever gotten. Kousei took her and held her while I went back to sleep. Our family was complete.

The next day I woke up still asleep in the rocker from the night before. Kousei was sitting talking to Harmony as she babbled at him. I didn't want to ruin the moment so I stayed asleep. Kousei talked for 30 minutes to her and I loved it. He was a good dad. I got up after that smiling at him. He handed Harmony to me and I reached for her. She stared at me with curious eyes. She was only a month old. Kousei came up behind me holding me by my waist with his head on my shoulder. He was humming to himself. And I touched his head with my other free hand. I looked into his deep blue eyes and he looked so happy. When I looked down at Harmony she was asleep. I set her in her portable bassinet in the living room. She looked so peaceful. "You know what I'm thinking right?" Kousei said as he put his hands around my waist. "Yeah I know." I said smiling I grabbed his hand and lead him into our bedroom.

All right everyone knows what happens here right? Got me. OK back to the story.

Kousei's P.o.V
Kaori was an angel. She was everything I needed. Her and my beautiful daughter. Kaori was outgoing. She didn't play the violin as much as she did. She was super tired from taking care of Harmony while I was at work. I'd come home and there she'd be passed out asleep with Harmony in her arms. But then the day came when Kaori became sick again and I knew what that meant.

Kaori's P.o.V
Kousei came home and I was asleep again. He understood since I was pregnant again. I blamed him on this. It was his idea. Kousei took care of Harmony and took off work. I was hectic throwing up more than I did with Harmony. I felt like crap everyday. I found myself passing out on the floor sick and tired. The stress was killing me. Finally after 9 months of hard work our son was born we named him Kousei Jr. after Kousei. I was glad it was finally over. Harmony was 10 months old and was crawling now. Her first word was Mama. I was overjoyed. I had my little angels and the most amazing man in the world. I went to help my mom out at her bakery. My dad died shortly before Kousei Jr. was born. My mom of course was happy to see me. I was an only child. So I was my mom's baby. I remember my mom and dad tried many times to have another child. They had 4 miscarriages before they called it quits. Besides with all my medical bills they didn't have money to take care of a baby and take care of me. When my health was failing for the 1st time my mom got pregnant she decided to have an abortion because of my health she knew we didn't have the money to take care of a baby and me. I'm pretty sure my mom and dad would've had that baby if it hadn't been for me. For years I blamed myself for that. Even though my mom and dad said it wasn't my fault I still felt it was. My mom was sad about my dad but happy to see me of course. I brought Kousei Jr. and Harmony which my mom held Kousei Jr. she said he better not call me grandma Harmony called her Gee Gee so I didn't know what he would call her. I helped my mom out around the shop. Usually just taking orders. Of course I was about to die over a canele but I was on a diet so I was limited on my sugar intake. After we closed up shop my mom said thanks kissed me and the kids goodbye and locked up shop. I knew that she was all alone and it made me sad.

Hello faithful readers thanks for reading this chapter took me 3 days to write it took me a while to come up with some ideas but when I fell and hit my head I came up with ideas lol!
Listening to Pokemon Sun and Moon Theme Song lol my bff was watching it lol!

So Our Story Begins A Your Lie In April FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now