Today was the day. The day Grayson got his braces off. It had been five months since Ethan got his off and since Grayson got his headgear. Every night, Grayson snap chatted you saying goodnight and had his headgear on, so you know that he has been wearing them.
"I'm sooo excited babe!" Grayson said pulling into the parking lot of his orthodontists office.
"I'm excited for you!" You said smiling at him.
"Smile Gray! You said sniping a picture of him.
"Hey stop!! Don't ruin this!" He said
"I'm posting it saying, 'last picture of my boy with braces'." You said posting it on Snapchat.
~45 minutes later~
Grayson walked down the hallway and you ran up to him.
"GRAY! Lemme see!!" You said smiling.
Grayson smiled at you with his beautiful pearly white teeth.
"Grayson!! You look amazing! They look so good!" You said making him blush.
"Thanks Babe!" He said kissing you as you both walked out to his car.
"Look babe!" Grayson said pointing to some old rubber bands.
"Haha." You both laughed and Grayson drove you two to his house.
You and Grayson hung out for the rest of the day and watched a movie. He smiled the whole time which made you smile too. "I'm so lucky to have such an amazing and beautiful boyfriend!" You thought to yourself