Cas' cat room

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*Deans POV*

"hey Cas guess what!" I said enthusiastically, smiling at Cas.

"Yes Dean?" Cas asked.

"You get your own room in the bunker to fill with all your things!" I replied happily.

"Wait my own room?" Cas asked.

"Yah I convinced Sam" I said. I showed my fallen angel to a nice size room at the end of the hall. The room was about 20x20 and had nothing but a queen sized bed in the corner.

"Right so this is your room you can do whatever you want with it" I said.

"Whatever?" Cas said excitedly.

"Yah b-" Cas cut me off by pushing me out of the room and locking the door. Well so much for helping him with his room. I went and sat on the couch and put on Doctor Sexy M.D.

* The next day *

I walled over to Cas room to see what he had done with the place.

"Cas can I come in?" I said knocking.

"No now is not the best time" Cas replied. 'Wait was that a cat?' I thought to myself. I pulled my lock pick set out of my pocket and began to unlock the door. I slowly turned the knob and pushed inwards to reveal Cas sitting with about twenty cats.

"What the hell?!" I said surprised.

"Aren't they so cute!" Cas said excitedly. Cas grabbed my hand and pulled me down but I tripped over his trench coat and we landed on the floor, me on top.

"Oh I uh sorry" Cas stuttered, blushing like a rose.

"No," I said putting my lips millimeters from his "done be sorry" I pressed my lips to his pushing up all the times I wanted to but couldn't. Cas placed one hand on the small of my back and the other cupped my cheek. Cas rolled us over and tangled his fingers in my hair while I tangled mine in his mahogany hair. We stayed that way until I jumped, hearing a meow, and biting his tongue on accident.

"Sorry" i muttered.

"Don't be sorry" he breathed out teasingly.

"Cas will you be my angel?" I asked hooping for a yes.

"Yes Dean I will" Cas said smiling And pressing his soft lips to mine. We were so tied up in the kids that we didn't hear the footsteps as someone rendered the room.

"Finally" I heard Sam mutter from the doorway.

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