China x Neko!Reader Lemon

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        You yawned and curled up against your boyfriend, purring slightly in contentment. It was a peaceful, lazy afternoon, the kind that just made you want to snuggle up with China and relax.

China grinned at your adorable, sleepy face. "Aiya, you're not tired, are you?"

"I'm bored," you mumbled, nuzzling against his chest for a more comfortable position. "Boredom makes me sleepy."

He chuckled and raised a hand to stroke your velvety ears.

"Mmm," you hummed, blushing slightly. "That feels nice . . ."

"Does it?" he grinned, his other hand sliding to your waist. "Aiya, you're adorable."

You rolled over so that you were laying beside him on the floor, and he huffed, folding his arms.

"Come back here, aru!"

You got to your feet and grinned innocently down at his frustrated face.

"Why?" you sang.

"I'm not done with you," he nearly growled.

You blushed madly, but held your ground. "Tough," you said sweetly, batting your eyelashes at him. "You'll have to catch me. I'm going to run around now so I don't fall asleep. Bye!"

You darted from the room just as he too jumped to his feet. He chased after you as you ran up the stairs, giggling so hard you almost couldn't breathe.

"Aiya! (Y/N), you shouldn't tease like that!" he shouted. "Come back!"

"Make me!" you laughed.

He finally caught up with you in the bedroom and lunged at you. You fell backwards onto the bed, what little breath you had left from laughing knocked out of you by the force of his tackle. Using his knees to pin you down, he removed his belt and fastened your hands to the headboard with it.

"Hey!" you whined, tugging at your wrists.

"You should have come back when I told you to, my little kitten," he whispered in your ear. "Now you won't get to use your hands."

You flicked your tail nervously. "W-what?"

He simply nipped your ear and grabbed your shirt by the hem, pulling it up over your breasts. Your cheeks flared.

"B-but -"

"Don't be shy now, aru," he scolded. "You've been a seductress all day." He leaned sexily closer, sending shivers of excitement through your body, and continued softly, "Besides, this is a better way to stay awake than running around the house, isn't it, (Y/N)?"

"I-I . . ."

You gasped as his hands found your breasts, and you squirmed delightedly underneath him.

"Ah~ your hands are cold~" you squeaked, although admittedly, the chill only added to the building feeling of pleasure in your body.

He smirked. "Oh? Let me fix that . . ."

He moved his hands back to your waist, pulling off your pants, and his lips took charge of your breasts. You moaned softly, pressing your thighs together tightly in an absolutely useless attempt to control your sexual arousal. This didn't escape his notice. He seized the waistband of your panties and slid them down about your ankles, then spread your legs apart, examining your wetness a little too eagerly.

"Is all this just for me~?" he whispered huskily. "You're more turned on than you're showing, (Y/N)~"

You were about to tell him that he'd never turned you on so badly in his whole life, but before you could, he had brought his lips down to work on your nether regions. The pleasure suddenly crashing over you made words a definite last priority. You felt a familiar knot building up inside you, and you struggled against your certain orgasm as he licked you skillfully.

"Ch-China~" you squeaked. "S-stop, or I-I . . ."

He brought his lips away just long enough to smirk. "I want you to cum, kitten~"

He resumed his prior actions, and you couldn't focus anymore. The knot broke and you felt yourself release with a small shiver. He slowly and sensually licked you clean, then sat up, watching your chest rise and fall rapidly as you fought to catch your breath.

Once he was sure that your half-lidded eyes were focused on him, he began stripping off his clothes until he was completely naked, still straddling you. Your eyes settled on his member, and you blushed madly, ears perking up. However much he had aroused you, it was nothing compared to what you were doing to him.

"You're going to say my name when you cum this time, kitten~" he said, smirking as he positioned himself. "Understand?"

"Yes," you said sweetly, fluttering your eyelashes at him. "Just as long as you say mine when you cum~"

His eyes shone at your sudden seductiveness.

"As you wish, (Y/N)~"

He slid his member into your waiting entrance and began thrusting, not wasting time being slow or gentle. Your head flew back in ecstasy as moans slipped past your lips and a second, tighter knot contracted inside you. His thrusts got harder, and the knot tightened sharply, quivering at the edge of breaking.

"Ah~(Y/N)~!" he breathed between his moans.

Something warm spread inside you, pushing you over the edge at last.

"Ch-China -!" you shrieked softly, feeling yourself cum for a second time with such a wave of pleasure that your tail and ears both went limp in utter exhaustion.

China reach up to untie your hands, letting his belt fall to the floor, and carefully pulled out of you before wrapping his arms securely around your body, nuzzling into your neck as he did so.

"I love you, kitten," he whispered, kissing your left ear. "You're so cute I think I'd die without you."

You yawned, idly allowing your head to rest on his chest. "Love you too," you murmured. "Mm . . . You were right. It's a much better way to stay awake than running around. Can I sleep now, though?"

He chuckled, smoothing your hair back from your face. "Of course."

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