Denmark x Reader Lemon

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A/N: I don't usually do the whole "author's note" thing, but in this case, I felt that I should. This was a request, and it was a little tricky to write. I hope it at least came close to what the requester had in mind. 

      It was with guilty relief that you peeled yourself away from your ocean of textbooks to answer the loud knock on your dorm's door. You had been studying for over two hours, taking advantage of your roommates' absence to the best of your ability, but your brain was just about at the point of overload.

You slid back the chain and flung the door open, only to get knocked several paces backward as the person outside flung their arms around you excitedly.


You smiled to yourself and returned the embrace. "Den! I thought you were out with the other Nordics tonight!"

Denmark grinned. "I was, but then I decided to spend the night with my queen instead!"

"Queen? Hey, now, we'd have to be married for me to be your queen! Right now, I'm just your princess."

He winked, closing your door behind him. "Fine - princess, I have a surprise for you."

"What is it?"

"Ta-da!" he announced, producing a miraculously intact bouquet of flowers from somewhere inside his coat. "For the most beautiful girl on Earth!"

"Aaw!" you gushed, taking them gingerly from him. "You're sweet. Thanks so much! But I'm sorry, Den . . . I can't go out. Tonight, your princess has to be a studying college girl."

"Studying?" He didn't say again, but it was in his tone. "I know grades are important, elskede, but you've been doing almost nothing else lately. Relaxing is important, too!"

You sighed dismally, wandering off to the kitchen in search of something to use as a vase. "Sure, I know . . . but relaxing won't help me learn," you mumbled.

"Actually, overworking your brain prevents new information from sinking in."

You blinked and turned around, an empty peanut butter jar in your hand, to frown at your boyfriend.

"Den, you didn't suddenly start majoring in neuroscience or something, did you?" you asked suspiciously.

"Nope!" he exclaimed. "I just overheard that on the car radio as I was driving over here!"

You giggled, filling the jar with water and propping the flowers in it, on the the cupboard.

"Ah, that must mean it's true," you teased. "C'mon, haven't you ever heard 'don't believe everything you hear' before?"

"Yeah . . . but it's okay to believe whatever I want, so I can believe everything I hear if I want to," he declared, making you smile. He really was dauntless, wasn't he?

"Really, Den-"

Arms wrapped around your waist unexpectedly, and you gasped in surprise as you were pulled against your boyfriend's chest from behind.

"I love you, elskede," he whispered. "Can you believe that much?"

You turned yourself around to face him without breaking the embrace and poked his cheek lightly, placing your other hand on his shoulder as you did so.

"I think so," you murmured, eyes twinkling. "Maybe if you hear something twice, it's okay. Say it again."

"I love you~" he repeated, petting your lips with his thumb. "And I think I can prove it to you and help you relax at the same time~"


He cut you off by scooping you off your feet. You shrieked in alarm and clung to his chest for dear life as he carried you through the apartment, and when he stopped in your bedroom, you raised an eyebrow at him coyly.

"You're going to sing me to sleep?" you asked innocently.

He laughed, placing you gently on your bed and climbing on top of you.

"Sorry, elskede, I don't know any lullabies." He unbuttoned his coat and began kissing your jawline so that his next words were punctuated with pecks and sucks. "I - love you - so - much~"

"Aw . . ." You took his face between your hands and kissed him passionately. "My sweet Den."

His hands sneaked under your shirt and up your spine, pausing only to fumble momentarily with your bra clasp before whisking both the bra and your shirt off over your head.

"Hey! Unfair!"

You pushed his hands back and slid his coat down his shoulders, then began to trace his chest through his T-shirt.

"If I'm going to be topless, then so are you!"

He laughed and helped you pull the shirt up and off. Your hands returned at once to his chest, and his went to yours. You moaned softly as he caressed you in that certain way that made you wonder whether or not Norway had been teaching him some magic tricks, and he grinned, leaning in for another kiss.

"Moaning already?" he teased. "I've barely touched you."

"Maybe you're just that good," you suggested with a smirk.

Unfortunately, he had to release your breasts in order to undo the buttons on your shorts - or at least, try to undo them. After a few seconds of watching him struggle and trying not to laugh, you pushed his fingers away and unfastened the buttons yourself.

"Honestly, how do you get your own pants off?" you giggled, removing the shorts and tossing them aside.

"Like this."

He stepped off the bed for a moment and began to slowly slide his pants down his hips, making something of a show out of it. You blushed.

"Sexy Dane," you mumbled, pulling him back onto the bed.

"Only for you, elskede," he said, smirking and snapping the elastic of your panties against your hip lightly.

"You're sexy all the time," you huffed, helping him pull the panties off. "You're just extra sexy in bed."

Almost as if proving your point, he ran his fingertips over your wetness before sliding two of them inside. You moaned again. He was, if anything, even more skilled with this than he had been with your breasts, and you whined in objection when he pulled back so that he could take his boxers off.

Now that you were both completely naked, he spread your legs and didn't waste a moment in entering you.

"Den," you breathed, wrapping your arms around him. "Move."

He didn't need encouragement. He began to thrust, setting up a perfect rhythm of different angles and forcefulness, making you cling to his chest and bury your face in his neck, moaning like crazy. Go figure, he was as good at this as everything else.

It wasn't long before something began tightening in your abdomen, and you dug your nails into his shoulders. He seemed to get the hint, and he quickened his pace, pushing you ever closer to the edge of release.

"(Y-Y/N)!" he gasped.

Something hot flooded inside you, and the tightening knot snapped, sending a torrent of bliss crashing over you.

"Denmark!" you moaned, falling back onto the pillows.

He pulled out and collapsed beside you, drawing you close to his chest.

"And that," he panted, "is proof that I love you."

"Aw, I knew you did," you said, smiling softly.

There was a moment of silence, then he kissed your temple and asked, with something of a grin, "So . . . relaxed yet?"

"You're so amazing I can't even remember why I was stressed."

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