Chapter 20

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None of the Shane Gang slingers knew how to react.


The situation dawned on Eli. His fingers loosened on his blaster. It slipped out of his hand and fell to the ground.


Eli blinked slowly, staring down the train tracks. Hadn't he just been riding Lucky with excitement? Hadn't adrenaline just been pumping through his veins?


He felt like he had been running down a clear path and a concrete wall had risen from the ground in front of him.


Even Trixie, Kord, and Pronto were just staring. Sam continued to cry, rubbing at her eyes.


One by one, the gang realized why this felt so devastating.


They hadn't been together for long. But the members of the Shane Gang felt like they were part of a family that had always been there. Alana's absence was already a gaping hole.


But she was so dependable, so loyal. She was always there with a smile and positive comment. Without her, the light that they had to keep them upbeat was just... gone.


Fear gripped Eli's heart. His friend was not only now miles away from them, but she was trapped on a train with Doctor Blakk, the most dangerous person in Slugterra. Twist, who had a bone to pick with the Shane Gang.

And Dana, her ex-friend who had something terribly wrong with her energy. Dana, who'd had such a vicious look in her eyes when she saw Alana.


That was how long Eli let himself stand there and stare at the train tracks. Ten seconds. Then he took a deep breath and bent down, picking up his blaster and holstering it. He moved in front of Sam, getting down on his knees so he was even with her and carefully resting his hands on her shoulders.

He fought to keep his voice steady and calm.

"Sam, what happened?" he asked. His heart sank when Sam looked up to meet his gaze. Her brown eyes were full of tears. She opened her mouth, but she couldn't seem to get the words out between her shaky breaths.

Eli sighed and tried again.

"Sam, I know you're upset. I am, too. Something terrible just happened. But we need to fix it now," he said, locking eyes with Sam. "What happened?"

Sam took a deep, shaky breath as she wiped away her tears.

"She got into the train car, and- she- she used a Bubbaleone to get me away- from Dana," she said, her breath catching in her throat. "She was going- going to grab on, but Dana stopped her and- and now she's still on the train-"

She looked up at Eli, then at the rest of the Shane Gang.

"I'm so sorry," she said. "This is all my fault. I never should have talked you guys into doing this."

Eli sighed and got to his feet, holding out his hand.

"No," he said. "This isn't your fault. It isn't ours. It isn't even Alana's. This is Blakk's fault. And we're gonna get her back."

Sam nodded, taking his hand. Eli pulled her to her feet.

"How long has she been gone?" Trixie asked. Her voice cracked with worry. "Blowing up those equipment cars took at least five minutes."

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