Chapter 32

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The dark water gas was sinking down towards Alana, sending chills up her spine. She wasn't in control of herself- she was breathing in the foul substance even though every part of her wanted to stop. Her lungs were ice cold, and she felt it changing her, and she was sad and scared and angry and ready to destroy-

And then the scene changed, but the cold didn't. Now she was in a burning forest, still feeling aggressive for no reason, still with a chill. She looked down and there was a blaster in her hands, but inside it was not a slug, but a ghoul. The Thrasher growled up at her, but she felt no fear. She was content. There was a chill in her heart that she recognized as dark energy.

A stick cracked and she looked up as a figure emerged from the green flames that were eating away at the mushroom trees. The muscular figure wore armor and furs, with deathly pale skin and scarlet eyes.

"Look," the Dark Slinger said, sounding almost impressed. "Now you're just like me."

"No," Alana said, her voice wavering as she took a step back. "No, this isn't right."

She blinked, and there was her father, laying lifeless at the Dark Slinger's side.

"D-dad," she breathed, her hands shaking. She blinked again, and here was Evanlyn, kneeling in front of her with a growing red stain on her torso.

"Mom?" Alana whimpered. She wanted to rush forward and help her, but before she could move, there was a bright blue light behind her, and an invisible force began to drag her into it. "No, no, I don't want to go-"

"I'm so sorry for leaving you, little spark," Evanlyn gasped before collapsing to the ground. The blue light surrounded Alana-

"Alana, sorry, I know you're asleep, but you need to get up and moving, now."

Alana's eyes flew open and she looked up at a figure standing front of her hospital bed. Sam stood over her, dark brown eyes wide with concern. Her curly hair hung around her in a messy mane, like she had just gotten up from bed.

"I'm sorry for waking you up," she said, taking a step back as Alana sat up and looked around her dim hospital room. Outside her window she could see Bonnie Springs still coated in darkness.

"Don't be, it's probably a good thing," Alana mumbled as she looked down at her hands. Both of them had a slight tremor. She curled her fingers into fists and looked up at Sam. "What's going on?"

"I have good news and bad news," Sam said. "The good news is that the rest of the Shane Gang called me. They're okay, Alana."

Alana's eyes widened, and immediately she felt a spark of hope in the void that had been growing inside her since learning about the West.

They're alive. They're okay. Maybe things will be okay.

"But what's the bad news?" Alana asked, looking into Sam's worried eyes.

"The bad news is you need to leave now. We just got a transmission in, and Doctor Blakk is on his way here," Sam said, wringing her hands. Alana quickly got to her feet, swaying for a moment with a head rush, but keeping her balance.

"Why? Does he know I'm here? Or you?" she asked, dread immediately filling her. "Sam, I'm not sure how useful I'd be in a fight right now-"

"There won't be a fight, we don't do that here," Sam assured. "And I don't think he knows about either of us. He said he's coming to talk to Eberly, I don't know why. But when he gets here, I need to be laying low in the basement and you need to be on your way to Wild Spores. The gang is waiting for you there."

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