Chapter 26

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Blakk Industries workers swarmed the grotto, all armed with ghouls. Alana bit her lip and winced as she felt all the dark energy around her. A half dozen workers approached the Shane Gang, blasters raised.

"Hands where we can see them, please," Blakk said coldly as he dismounted his Mecha. One by one, the defenders put their hands up, each glaring at Blakk and his workers. Eli, ever courageous, was the first to speak.

"If you're after the Master's secrets, you can forget it, Blakk," Eli said. Blakk walked up to the surrounded gang and rolled his eyes.

"Oh, please. I've surpassed such banalities," he said coldly. "This arcane ritual holds but one purpose- to prove who is best."

Eli raised an eyebrow.

"And I just did that when I took down your apprentice," he said with a smirk. Twist walked up to the group, Dana next to him. Alana subconsciously inched away from her, wincing as she felt Dana's strong dark energy. Twist raised his blaster, but Eli's confidence didn't waver as he looked down the barrel.

"Fine. I'm down for a rematch, with either of you," Eli said, glancing back up at Blakk.

"You're an arrogant gnat, Eli, one I will swat in due time. But there is one here who is worth of my attention. Today," Blakk said, raising his voice, "I shall demonstrate my superiority by beating the Unbeatable Master herself."

Alana and Eli exchanged a worried glance. Twist's appearance didn't waver, but Dana gave a small smirk.

This won't end well, Alana couldn't help but think.

"You have nothing to prove, Thaddius," Shanai said stoically. "But, if this will bring you peace, I accept your challenge."

"Isn't she sick?" Alana whispered. Eli nodded subtly and stepped forward.

"Be careful, Master. He fights dirty. And his ghouls are-"

Shanai held up a hand, stopping Eli.

"It will be okay, knock knees," she said calmly.

Alana watched as Doctor Blakk walked back towards his Mecha, unhooking a machine and facing the Master with it. It had dozens of ghouls loaded in it, with one opening to fire from. It wouldn't be accurate, but the weapon would be able to rapid fire ghouls.

Alana's eyes widened and she grabbed Trixie's shoulder, trying to block out the immense amount of dark energy the weapon held.

"I don't think it'll be okay," she breathed.

"What is that thing?" Trixie asked. Kord stepped forward.

"A gattler," Kord gasped in wonder. "But nobody's ever been able to make a working model."

"First time for everything," Alana said quietly, pressing a hand to her head in attempt to drown out her headache.

Blakk and Shanai stood in the clearing that Twist and Eli had been dueling in ten minutes ago. When Blakk began to fire the gattler, for a moment, the ghouls were out of control, soaring in every direction. The Shane Gang scattered, diving behind stones, and Blakk's workers began to open fire.

"I'll go after Twist," Eli said, loading his blaster and looking at Alana. "Are you okay to go after Dana?"

"Always," she responded with a smirk. "You guys got the workers handled?"

"Of course!" Pronto exclaimed. "You two go deal with your rivals. Pronto the Magnificent will lead the charge against Doctor Blakk's lackeys!"

Alana and Eli nodded, diving out from behind the stones and opening fire on their respective enemies. Dana had been watching the fight between Blakk and the Master, and dove to the side just before Alana's Hop Rock hit her. The pale girl turned around and grinned as she saw her old friend approaching.

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