The end as we know it

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In this world nowadays is a difficult task. Everything is a threat to your well-being, and it's worse when the world is on the brink of a nuclear war. I was pretty used to the stupid stuff people would do since the world was pretty much ending and there weren't any consequences. I was also used to seeing the terrifying news headlines that emphasized on the approaching nuclear war. I just didn't care anymore; I was questioning as to why they were waiting at this point. I mean, if you keep threatening it this much, why didn't you just do it? Then the day finally came.

It was an early winter morning and the sun had not exposed itself just yet. I had been woken up by my fiancé picking me up and rushing me outside. It had to have been at most in the high 20s outside or something because it was freezing. It didn't really help that all I had to really keep me warm were my blankets I was already sleeping with.

"Babe, what the hell?" I questioned groggily.

"There's not enough time to explain, just wait here." My fiancé Carter kissed my forehead and dashed back inside.

I was wondering why he was in such a hurry with no further explanation. This wasn't like him, not in the slightest.

He came back with all of the things I cherish most. My phone, my chargers, because what girl doesn't have at least 800 chargers for each electronic device she owns? My headphones, my Nintendo 3DS, my laptop, more blankets of course, all of my irreplaceable keepsakes, and my cat, Muffin Tiger. He placed everything neatly in the back of our campervan and began driving. "We should be good to go, I got everything you and I hold dear to our hearts, now we just have to leave."

"Why are we leaving, what's going on, is there a storm coming?" I asked with obvious panic in my voice.

"I wish it was just a storm..." Carter sighed as we exited our neighborhood.

We drove for what felt like ages until we pulled off by a cliff-side looking down at the beautiful city. For a situation so depressing, I couldn't help but notice how romantic it would be as well.

"Let's get comfortable in the back, shall we?" Carter turned to me and smiled as he pulled the keys out of the ignition.

"Yeah, of course we can!" I grinned and attempted to crawl through the gap where the center console was. In situations like this, I'm glad that I'm small.

Carter didn't have the same luck as me, since he was 5'11 and he'd probably break something if he even bothered to attempt. He opened the back of the camper van and I held Muffin Tiger back as she tried to escape, she was not pleased with me, of course. Carter closed the camper van doors behind him and tried his best not to hit his ankles off of the appliances as he joined me on our little mattress. "You know; I hate you for not having to struggle."

I chuckled. "Are you gonna completely forget the time my butt got stuck between the seats when I tried that on our one camping trip?"

"Oh my god, I forgot about that," Carter laughed. "That was great, it took both me AND Caroline to pull you out of the gap!"

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, yeah, now why did we leave in such a hurry?"

"Oh, right, um," Carter started fidgeting with his fingers as he attempted to remember what he was supposed to say. "Oh that's right! Kassandra, I was watching the news today and they were talking about the nu- "

"Ugh, more war crap? Who the hell cares!" I yelled, throwing my hands in the air and plopping back on the mattress.

"You should care, because apparently, there's a nuke heading straight for us." Carter looked back down at me sullenly.

"Damn, you're serious aren't you?" My eyes widened. I haven't seen Carter look this serious in a while.

"Unfortunately, yeah," He lay down beside me, "We probably don't have that much time together, so I brought us out under the stars to reminisce on what we've done with our lives."

"That's honestly not that bad of an idea, I suppose." I replied, smiling at him.

You and I vs. the end of the worldWhere stories live. Discover now